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#007 Squirtle


Type: Water
Species: Tiny Turtle Pokémon
Height: 1′8″ (0.51m)
Weight: 19.8 lbs (9.0 kg)
Native to: Kanto (#007)
Abilities: Torrent; Rain Dish (Hidden Ability)

Squirtle is the seventh Pokemon on the National Pokedex and was featured alongside Bulbasaur and Charmander as the starter Pokemon for Red, Blue, FireRed, and LeafGreen versions. Squirtle is a Water type Pokemon. It evolves into Wartortle at level 16 and again into Blastoise at level 36.

Evolution Chain:

Squirtle Lv. 01
Wartortle Lv. 16
Blastoise Lv. 36

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