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Home > Pokemon Black and White Walkthrough > Chapter 8: Opelucid Gym

Chapter 8: Opelucid Gym

Dragonspiral Tower

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After leaving Icirrus Gym, you'll find Cheren and Bianca waiting outside. Brycen will join you and also detect the presence of the Shadow Triad. They are there to deliver you a message: "Come to Dragonspiral Tower". Heal up, then you can get to Dragonspiral Tower by heading north out of town. Make sure to check out the upper ledge first to pick up a Nugget. Then take the lower route north where you'll quickly be stopped by Bianca and Cedric. Cedric will explain what's going on in the tower and give you an Old Gateau.

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Continue forward through the forest and you'll find the tower past a Plasma Grunt. There are wild Pokémon encounters of various types on the floor of the tower. There's nothing to do on the first floor, so just find the staircase on the right side and head up it. Once on the second floor Cheren will call out for you and then continue ahead. There are broken columns in this room that you can climb up and walk across. Head to the top-right corner of the room where you can find a Hyper Potion. Then climb up the column to the right and use it to reach the next floor. Make sure to pick up the Stardust before heading left.

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Head up the spiral staircase in the next room. There are a bunch of edges up here that you need to hop over. Take the middle path so that you can reach the Shiny Stone in the item ball. Then you can take the lower path to reach the next staircase. In the next room you'll meet up with Cheren and Brycen and a whole lot of Plasma Grunts. They'll take on most of them and want you to continue on ahead taking the lower path.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

You'll need to start facing some grunts along this path. The first has a Lv. 34 Watchog. The second has a Lv. 34 Liepard. The third has a Lv. 34 Scraggy. The fourth has two Lv. 33 Liepard. The fifth has a Lv. 32 Watchog, a Lv. 32 Scraggy, and a Lv. 32 Krokorok. After the fifth battle you can find a Dragon Fang to the right before heading up the stairs.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

This next room is a series of circle walkways connected by planks. The main thing is that you want to make sure to collect all the items you can before hopping over a ledge and being cut off from them. You can find a Star Piece, a Stardust, and a Revive before heading up the staircase to the next floor.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Grab the Max Elixir on this floor and then head to the left to find Giallo and several grunts. The grunts will surround you and you'll need to defeat them in battle. The first has a Lv. 33 Watchog and a Lv. 33 Krokorok. The second has a Lv. 34 Krokorok. The third has a Lv. 33 Trubbish and a Lv. 33 Liepard. The fourth has a Lv. 34 Watchog.

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Head up to the top floor where you will find N and a rather sinister looking Zekrom (Black) or Reshiram (White). There will be no grand battle for now, rather N tells you that if you want to challenge him you'll need to find this legendary beast's counterpart, Reshiram (Black) or Zekrom (White). After they flee, you'll group up with everyone to decide what to do next. Alder will show up and suggest that the key to awakening the other legendary Pokémon is in Relic Castle, so that's where we'll head next.

Relic Castle

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Fly over to Nimbasa City and heal up here if you need to. Head south and then west from the city back to the Desert Resort. Head north through the desert resort. If you try to enter the Relic Castle, Cheren will join you. Once you enter, you can now proceed down the stairs on the first floor where the construction worker was blocking you off earlier. After heading down the stairs you'll see a sage and need to battle a Plasma Grunt who has a Lv. 34 Watchog and two Lv. 34 Krokorok. After defeating them you can fall into the sand below.

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On this next floor you can find a Max Potion and another Plasma Grunt. They use a Lv. 35 Scraggy and a Lv. 35 Watchog. Avoid falling into the quicksand and fight another grunt who has a Lv. 36 Garbodor. Near the quicksand you can also find TM30 - Shadow Ball. Then drop into the closest quicksand.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

There is yet another grunt on this next floor who uses a Lv. 36 Krokorok. You can find a Max Revive past the quicksand near them. Head to the left and you'll face another grunt who has a Lv. 43 Liepard and two Lv. 34 Trubbish. Just past them to the left you'll find a PP Up. If you take the north or east quicksand pits down you'll find a Sun Stone, but you'll have to take the stairs back up and make your way back here. To progress, take the south-west quicksand pit down a floor.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Down here you'll find two Plasma Grunts. The first uses a Lv. 35 Watchog and a Lv. 35 Scraggy. The second uses a Lv. 35 Trubbish and a Lv. 35 Liepard. Fall down this next quicksand pit to reach the bottom floor where Cheren will join you. Alder and Ghetis will also be waiting for you down here. There will be an exchange of dialogue where Ghetis goes in on Alder. You will then head outside and get an Xtransceiver call from the professor. She wants you to come to the museum in Nacrene City.

Nacrene City Museum

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Fly on over to Nacrene City and heal up. Head for the museum on the north side of town and you'll find several people waiting for you outside. It turns out Lenora had the stone we needed all along. She will give you the Light Stone (Black) or Dark Stone (White). Alder suggests that in order to make use of this stone to awaken the legendary Dragon-type we should speak with the Dragon-type gym leader in Opelucid City. Fly back to Icirrus City to start making your way there.

Route 8

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Leave Icirrus City to the north-east to enter Route 8. This route is covered in pools of water or ice in the winter. If you stick to the north you can defeat a ranger and the find a Poison Barb. You can then use the narrow ice above the pond to reach TM36 - Sludge Bomb. There are sections of water here, remember that you can surf across these if you taught the HM to a Pokémon. There is a Full Heal nearby to the right.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

If you use the pond and exit to the right you can reach an area past another Ranger where you can pick up an Ultra Ball. If you take the path to the north you'll be in the Moor of Icirrus. This is a completely optional area for now that you won't be able to explore fully. Depending on the season it may be difficult to navigate. But there are a few trainers you can battle here as well as a Max Potion to find.

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Continue east on Route 8 and speak to the parasol lady next to the sign to get TM42 - Facade. There are a few more trainers you can battle right here. You can also speak to the parasol lady above the next sign to get a Damp Rock. If you try to enter the entrance to the bridge Bianca will stop you for a battle. She has a Lv. 38 Stoutland, a Lv. 38 Simisage/Simisear/Simipour, a Lv. 38 Musharna, and a Lv. 40 Serperior/Emboar/Samurott. She will give you a Full Restore after you win.

Tubeline Bridge

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Head through the route gate onto Tubeline Bridge. If you speak to the person walking around on the bridge you can get TM43 - Flame Charge. At the end of the bridge you will be ambushed by the Shadow Triad who will bring you to Ghetsis. He reveals that he is the mastermind behind Team Plasma's plan and that he has been training N from a young age to be the hero for Team Plasma. He then leaves you after giving some more ominous dialogue.

Route 9

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Continue through the next gate on to Route 9. You'll immediately walk into a baseball pitcher who throws you TM56 - Fling. This route is full of bikers that use Dark and Poison type Pokémon. There are several you can face right away, including a double battle. After defeating all the trainers you can take the path through the tall grass below the fence to find a HP Up and a Full Restore. There is also a cave here, but it will be blocked off for now.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

On the north side of the route is Shopping Mall Nine. There are multiple floors in this mall where you can buy a huge assortment of items. There are also a few trainers in here that you can battle if you speak with them. On the second floor you could buy the very powerful TMs Hyper Beam and Giga Impact. There is also a man you can speak to on the top floor that will give you a Thunderstone. Head back out to Route 8 and continue east through the route gate when you are finished shopping.

Opelucid City

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Once you arrive in Opelucid City, Alder will be waiting for you to show you a speech that Ghetsis is delivering to the people of the city. You will then be introduced to Iris and Drayden. Depending on which version you're playing Drayden (Black) or Iris (White) will be the final gym leader. You will then be lead to Drayden's home to learn about the legendary Dragon-type Pokémon. Here Drayden and Iris will explain how Zekrom and Reshiram used to be one Pokémon that assisted in the creation of Unova, before splitting apart. Afterward, Drayden (Black) or Iris (White) will tell you that they will be waiting for you to defeat them at the gym.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

There are a few goodies to find in Opelucid City before taking on the gym. Starting in Drayden's house, head to the top floor and speak to the football player to get a Float Stone. You can then speak to the woman on the other side of the table to get a Ring Target. If you enter the house on the west side of town you can speak to the old man to get the Gift Box.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

There are two houses on the north side of town. In the one to the left you can speak to the young lady on the first floor to get a Destiny Knot. The house to the right of this is the Rotation Battle house. Inside there are two different trainers that you can participate in rotation battles against.

Opelucid Gym

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

You should now be ready to take on the final gym, which features Dragon-type Pokémon. They are only weak to Ice and Dragon type moves, so bring those if you can. Head into the gym in the north-west corner of town. Once inside you can speak to the guide to get a Fresh Water. This gym is a puzzle where the floor path moves when you jump on switches from above. To start run ahead and fight Ace Trainer Webster who uses a Lv. 41 Fraxure. Then follow the narrow path to the right and hop over the little ledge to the right. You'll need to defeat Ace Trainer Olwen who has a Lv. 41 Deino. You can then hop over this little ledge and land on a switch to shift the floor ahead.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Follow the path that was just shifted above and wrap back around where you'll need to face Ace Trainer Jose who uses two Lv. 40 Fraxure. You can then hop over the ledge to your right onto a switch that moves the dragon head again. Follow this new path north and it will lead you to Ace Trainer Clara and her Lv. 41 Fraxure. Take the narrow path to the left and hop down onto another switch. This moves the path ahead but not all the way. You'll instead need to hop over the ledge to the south and take that path which leads you to Veteran Hugo. He uses a Lv. 42 Druddigon.

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Keep following this path and it will lead you to another ledge you can hop off of. The switch here shifts the dragon head again and you can use it to reach a new path to the right. Take this and it will lead you down some stairs to Ace Trainer Tom. He has a Lv. 39 Deino, a Lv. 39 Fraxure, and a Lv. 39 Druddigon. Keep following the path to the south and hop off to the left onto another switch. This is the first slightly tricky piece of the puzzle, you'll actually need to head north and make a circle to hop on this same switch again to clear a path to the left.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Take this path to the left and it will lead you to Ace Trainer Dara who uses a Lv. 40 Deino and a Lv. 40 Druddigon. Hop down onto the switch to the right and this will shift the dragon head to clear another path. Follow it to a battle with Veteran Kim who uses a Lv. 40 Fraxure and a Lv. 41 Fraxure. Hop over the ledge ahead and then hop off to the left to land on the switch. This will create a path to the north that leads directly to the gym leader. If you need to heal your team first, you can bail out to the south but you'll need to re-do the puzzle when you enter.

Gym Leader Drayden/Iris

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Whether you are facing off against Gym Leader Drayden or Gym Leader Iris they will essentially have the same Dragon-type team. The only differences are the genders and some of the abilities of their Pokémon. They have a Lv. 41 Fraxure, a Lv. 41 Druddigon, and a Lv. 43 Haxorus. Be careful if you deal a lot of damage to Druddigon without killing it, as it can make you pay with the move Revenge. Combined with their two Hyper Potions, they can be tough if you aren't quite able to OHKO. Their Pokémon also know Dragon Dance, so they will be getting Attack and Speed buffs throughout.

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After defeating Drayden or Iris you will receive the Legend Badge. This is the final gym badge, so all Pokémon will now obey you regardless of level or trade status! They will also reward you with their favorite TM82 - Dragon Tail.

Back to Icirrus Gym Continue to Pokémon League

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Chapter 8: Opelucid Gym - Pokemon Black White Walkthrough
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Home > Pokemon Black and White Walkthrough > Chapter 8: Opelucid Gym

Chapter 8: Opelucid Gym

Dragonspiral Tower

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After leaving Icirrus Gym, you'll find Cheren and Bianca waiting outside. Brycen will join you and also detect the presence of the Shadow Triad. They are there to deliver you a message: "Come to Dragonspiral Tower". Heal up, then you can get to Dragonspiral Tower by heading north out of town. Make sure to check out the upper ledge first to pick up a Nugget. Then take the lower route north where you'll quickly be stopped by Bianca and Cedric. Cedric will explain what's going on in the tower and give you an Old Gateau.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Continue forward through the forest and you'll find the tower past a Plasma Grunt. There are wild Pokémon encounters of various types on the floor of the tower. There's nothing to do on the first floor, so just find the staircase on the right side and head up it. Once on the second floor Cheren will call out for you and then continue ahead. There are broken columns in this room that you can climb up and walk across. Head to the top-right corner of the room where you can find a Hyper Potion. Then climb up the column to the right and use it to reach the next floor. Make sure to pick up the Stardust before heading left.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Head up the spiral staircase in the next room. There are a bunch of edges up here that you need to hop over. Take the middle path so that you can reach the Shiny Stone in the item ball. Then you can take the lower path to reach the next staircase. In the next room you'll meet up with Cheren and Brycen and a whole lot of Plasma Grunts. They'll take on most of them and want you to continue on ahead taking the lower path.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

You'll need to start facing some grunts along this path. The first has a Lv. 34 Watchog. The second has a Lv. 34 Liepard. The third has a Lv. 34 Scraggy. The fourth has two Lv. 33 Liepard. The fifth has a Lv. 32 Watchog, a Lv. 32 Scraggy, and a Lv. 32 Krokorok. After the fifth battle you can find a Dragon Fang to the right before heading up the stairs.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

This next room is a series of circle walkways connected by planks. The main thing is that you want to make sure to collect all the items you can before hopping over a ledge and being cut off from them. You can find a Star Piece, a Stardust, and a Revive before heading up the staircase to the next floor.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Grab the Max Elixir on this floor and then head to the left to find Giallo and several grunts. The grunts will surround you and you'll need to defeat them in battle. The first has a Lv. 33 Watchog and a Lv. 33 Krokorok. The second has a Lv. 34 Krokorok. The third has a Lv. 33 Trubbish and a Lv. 33 Liepard. The fourth has a Lv. 34 Watchog.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Head up to the top floor where you will find N and a rather sinister looking Zekrom (Black) or Reshiram (White). There will be no grand battle for now, rather N tells you that if you want to challenge him you'll need to find this legendary beast's counterpart, Reshiram (Black) or Zekrom (White). After they flee, you'll group up with everyone to decide what to do next. Alder will show up and suggest that the key to awakening the other legendary Pokémon is in Relic Castle, so that's where we'll head next.

Relic Castle

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Fly over to Nimbasa City and heal up here if you need to. Head south and then west from the city back to the Desert Resort. Head north through the desert resort. If you try to enter the Relic Castle, Cheren will join you. Once you enter, you can now proceed down the stairs on the first floor where the construction worker was blocking you off earlier. After heading down the stairs you'll see a sage and need to battle a Plasma Grunt who has a Lv. 34 Watchog and two Lv. 34 Krokorok. After defeating them you can fall into the sand below.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

On this next floor you can find a Max Potion and another Plasma Grunt. They use a Lv. 35 Scraggy and a Lv. 35 Watchog. Avoid falling into the quicksand and fight another grunt who has a Lv. 36 Garbodor. Near the quicksand you can also find TM30 - Shadow Ball. Then drop into the closest quicksand.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

There is yet another grunt on this next floor who uses a Lv. 36 Krokorok. You can find a Max Revive past the quicksand near them. Head to the left and you'll face another grunt who has a Lv. 43 Liepard and two Lv. 34 Trubbish. Just past them to the left you'll find a PP Up. If you take the north or east quicksand pits down you'll find a Sun Stone, but you'll have to take the stairs back up and make your way back here. To progress, take the south-west quicksand pit down a floor.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Down here you'll find two Plasma Grunts. The first uses a Lv. 35 Watchog and a Lv. 35 Scraggy. The second uses a Lv. 35 Trubbish and a Lv. 35 Liepard. Fall down this next quicksand pit to reach the bottom floor where Cheren will join you. Alder and Ghetis will also be waiting for you down here. There will be an exchange of dialogue where Ghetis goes in on Alder. You will then head outside and get an Xtransceiver call from the professor. She wants you to come to the museum in Nacrene City.

Nacrene City Museum

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Fly on over to Nacrene City and heal up. Head for the museum on the north side of town and you'll find several people waiting for you outside. It turns out Lenora had the stone we needed all along. She will give you the Light Stone (Black) or Dark Stone (White). Alder suggests that in order to make use of this stone to awaken the legendary Dragon-type we should speak with the Dragon-type gym leader in Opelucid City. Fly back to Icirrus City to start making your way there.

Route 8

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Leave Icirrus City to the north-east to enter Route 8. This route is covered in pools of water or ice in the winter. If you stick to the north you can defeat a ranger and the find a Poison Barb. You can then use the narrow ice above the pond to reach TM36 - Sludge Bomb. There are sections of water here, remember that you can surf across these if you taught the HM to a Pokémon. There is a Full Heal nearby to the right.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

If you use the pond and exit to the right you can reach an area past another Ranger where you can pick up an Ultra Ball. If you take the path to the north you'll be in the Moor of Icirrus. This is a completely optional area for now that you won't be able to explore fully. Depending on the season it may be difficult to navigate. But there are a few trainers you can battle here as well as a Max Potion to find.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Continue east on Route 8 and speak to the parasol lady next to the sign to get TM42 - Facade. There are a few more trainers you can battle right here. You can also speak to the parasol lady above the next sign to get a Damp Rock. If you try to enter the entrance to the bridge Bianca will stop you for a battle. She has a Lv. 38 Stoutland, a Lv. 38 Simisage/Simisear/Simipour, a Lv. 38 Musharna, and a Lv. 40 Serperior/Emboar/Samurott. She will give you a Full Restore after you win.

Tubeline Bridge

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Head through the route gate onto Tubeline Bridge. If you speak to the person walking around on the bridge you can get TM43 - Flame Charge. At the end of the bridge you will be ambushed by the Shadow Triad who will bring you to Ghetsis. He reveals that he is the mastermind behind Team Plasma's plan and that he has been training N from a young age to be the hero for Team Plasma. He then leaves you after giving some more ominous dialogue.

Route 9

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Continue through the next gate on to Route 9. You'll immediately walk into a baseball pitcher who throws you TM56 - Fling. This route is full of bikers that use Dark and Poison type Pokémon. There are several you can face right away, including a double battle. After defeating all the trainers you can take the path through the tall grass below the fence to find a HP Up and a Full Restore. There is also a cave here, but it will be blocked off for now.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

On the north side of the route is Shopping Mall Nine. There are multiple floors in this mall where you can buy a huge assortment of items. There are also a few trainers in here that you can battle if you speak with them. On the second floor you could buy the very powerful TMs Hyper Beam and Giga Impact. There is also a man you can speak to on the top floor that will give you a Thunderstone. Head back out to Route 8 and continue east through the route gate when you are finished shopping.

Opelucid City

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Once you arrive in Opelucid City, Alder will be waiting for you to show you a speech that Ghetsis is delivering to the people of the city. You will then be introduced to Iris and Drayden. Depending on which version you're playing Drayden (Black) or Iris (White) will be the final gym leader. You will then be lead to Drayden's home to learn about the legendary Dragon-type Pokémon. Here Drayden and Iris will explain how Zekrom and Reshiram used to be one Pokémon that assisted in the creation of Unova, before splitting apart. Afterward, Drayden (Black) or Iris (White) will tell you that they will be waiting for you to defeat them at the gym.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

There are a few goodies to find in Opelucid City before taking on the gym. Starting in Drayden's house, head to the top floor and speak to the football player to get a Float Stone. You can then speak to the woman on the other side of the table to get a Ring Target. If you enter the house on the west side of town you can speak to the old man to get the Gift Box.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

There are two houses on the north side of town. In the one to the left you can speak to the young lady on the first floor to get a Destiny Knot. The house to the right of this is the Rotation Battle house. Inside there are two different trainers that you can participate in rotation battles against.

Opelucid Gym

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

You should now be ready to take on the final gym, which features Dragon-type Pokémon. They are only weak to Ice and Dragon type moves, so bring those if you can. Head into the gym in the north-west corner of town. Once inside you can speak to the guide to get a Fresh Water. This gym is a puzzle where the floor path moves when you jump on switches from above. To start run ahead and fight Ace Trainer Webster who uses a Lv. 41 Fraxure. Then follow the narrow path to the right and hop over the little ledge to the right. You'll need to defeat Ace Trainer Olwen who has a Lv. 41 Deino. You can then hop over this little ledge and land on a switch to shift the floor ahead.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Follow the path that was just shifted above and wrap back around where you'll need to face Ace Trainer Jose who uses two Lv. 40 Fraxure. You can then hop over the ledge to your right onto a switch that moves the dragon head again. Follow this new path north and it will lead you to Ace Trainer Clara and her Lv. 41 Fraxure. Take the narrow path to the left and hop down onto another switch. This moves the path ahead but not all the way. You'll instead need to hop over the ledge to the south and take that path which leads you to Veteran Hugo. He uses a Lv. 42 Druddigon.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Keep following this path and it will lead you to another ledge you can hop off of. The switch here shifts the dragon head again and you can use it to reach a new path to the right. Take this and it will lead you down some stairs to Ace Trainer Tom. He has a Lv. 39 Deino, a Lv. 39 Fraxure, and a Lv. 39 Druddigon. Keep following the path to the south and hop off to the left onto another switch. This is the first slightly tricky piece of the puzzle, you'll actually need to head north and make a circle to hop on this same switch again to clear a path to the left.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Take this path to the left and it will lead you to Ace Trainer Dara who uses a Lv. 40 Deino and a Lv. 40 Druddigon. Hop down onto the switch to the right and this will shift the dragon head to clear another path. Follow it to a battle with Veteran Kim who uses a Lv. 40 Fraxure and a Lv. 41 Fraxure. Hop over the ledge ahead and then hop off to the left to land on the switch. This will create a path to the north that leads directly to the gym leader. If you need to heal your team first, you can bail out to the south but you'll need to re-do the puzzle when you enter.

Gym Leader Drayden/Iris

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Whether you are facing off against Gym Leader Drayden or Gym Leader Iris they will essentially have the same Dragon-type team. The only differences are the genders and some of the abilities of their Pokémon. They have a Lv. 41 Fraxure, a Lv. 41 Druddigon, and a Lv. 43 Haxorus. Be careful if you deal a lot of damage to Druddigon without killing it, as it can make you pay with the move Revenge. Combined with their two Hyper Potions, they can be tough if you aren't quite able to OHKO. Their Pokémon also know Dragon Dance, so they will be getting Attack and Speed buffs throughout.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

After defeating Drayden or Iris you will receive the Legend Badge. This is the final gym badge, so all Pokémon will now obey you regardless of level or trade status! They will also reward you with their favorite TM82 - Dragon Tail.

Back to Icirrus Gym Continue to Pokémon League

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