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Chapter 9: Pokemon League

Route 10

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Professor Juniper will be waiting for you outside after defeating Opelucid Gym. She will point you in the direction of Victory Road to the north and give you the Master Ball. Make sure your team is healed and then head north out of town onto Route 10. In the grass behind the sign only the right-most item ball is real and it contains a Full Heal. This route is full of tough trainers, but many of them are optional.

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Head right over the bridge and you'll be stopped by Cheren and Bianca. Cheren will want another battle and this time he uses a Lv. 43 Unfezant, a Lv. 43 Liepard, a Lv. 43 Simisage/Simisear/Simipour, and a Lv. 45 Serperior/Emboar/Samurott. After defeating Cheren they will both congratulate you on your strength and Bianca will give you 2 Max Revives.

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If you head north along the narrow strip of dark grass you can find a Hyper Potion and a Dawn Stone as well as two optional trainers. If you head south across the bridge you can speak with the guy to the left to get a Dusk Stone as well. Finally you can pick up TM05 - Roar before hopping down the ledge here. Continue to the right to find a couple more trainer battles and a Full Restore.

Victory Road

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Head north to enter a series of badge gates. You'll need a particular gym badge to unlock each one, but since you should have them all at this point you can proceed through each gate. Once you get through them all you'll find yourself on the infamous Victory Road. As in all Pokémon games, Victory Road is full of the toughest trainers and Pokémon, so use this opportunity to train your team for the upcoming Pokémon League. It should also be noted that if you need to leave to heal your team on this journey, you can fly back to the beginning of Victory Road.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Enter the cave ahead. There's some water in here that you can surf across to reach a Max Revive. Head up the stairs to the next room where you can battle an Ace Trainer. Leave the cave afterward and someone will show you how you can slide down the slopes of mountain. Continue to the right and enter the next cave.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Here you can surf across some more water and pick up a Rare Candy. Head up the stairs to the left and then continue north and up another set of stairs. There's another tough Ace Trainer battle and then you can exit the cave. Enter the middle cave and you'll find a trainer inside and two sets of stairs. Take the staircase down and you'll be able to create a shortcut if you have a Pokémon that knows the HM Strength. Then head back to the last room and take the staircase up where you'll find an Ace Trainer and an exit back outside. Outside on the ledge you'll find a Full Restore.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Head back outside on the floor below and enter the cave to the far left and defeat the trainer in this room. If you take the stairs up to the right you'll find a doctor who will heal your team for you if you defeat him in battle. You can then head north in this room and create a little shortcut with Strength if you'd like. Head up the stairs to the right and then head north and take the stairs to the left.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

There's an Ace Trainer walking around this room that you can take out if you'd like. Take the left exit to find a Full Heal in an item ball and then take the right exit to progress. Slide down the mountain to the right to reach a new area and then enter the cave once again. Defeat the trainer in here if you'd like and then head left. You can push the boulder here to create a shortcut and quickly get back to the doctor to heal your team.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Head back up the stairs to the right and exit the cave. If you slide down the mountain next to the man twice you can pick up TM93 - Wild Charge. You can then slide down once more and enter the cave to the right to pick up a Calcium. This will put you in the room with the doctor, so heal up your team and then backtrack to the top of the mountain using the shortcuts. You can then head north to exit Victory Road and enter the Pokémon League.

Pokémon League

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You've now made it to the final guantlet, the Pokémon League. The elite four have Pokémon in the Lv. 48-50 range, so you made need to do some grinding on Victory Road if you aren't up to that level yet. Before beginning the battles, check out the Pokémon Center to the west to heal up your team and stock up on Revives and Full Restores.

Go ahead and enter the center building to start the challenge. Unlike many past Pokémon Leagues, you'll be able to fight the elite four in the order you choose. The sign in the middle of the room will indicate which staircase to take for each. In this guide we'll list them from left to right. Remember that you can't visit the Pokémon Center between these battles, so use items to heal your team between each battle instead.

Elite Four Shauntal

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Shauntal uses Ghost-type Pokémon, so Dark and Ghost type moves will be the most effective. She uses a Lv. 48 Cofagrigus, a Lv. 48 Jellicent, a Lv. 48 Golurk, and a Lv. 50 Chandelure. She also have two Full Restores that she will use. If you don't happen to have strong Dark or Ghost type moves on your team, most of her team is dual type so she has plenty of other weaknesses.

Elite Four Grimsley

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Grimsley uses Dark-type Pokémon. Fighting and Bug type moves are their only weakness. He uses a Lv. 48 Scrafty, a Lv. 48 Liepard, a Lv. 48 Krookodile, and a Lv. 50 Bisharp. He also has two Full Restores that he will use if given the chance. His Pokémon hit pretty hard, but their dual-typings also expose several weaknesses.

Elite Four Caitlin

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Caitlin is a Psychic-type specialist. Bug, Ghost, and Dark types are your best bet against her. She has a Lv. 48 Reuniclus, a Lv. 48 Musharna, a Lv. 48 Sigilyph, and a Lv. 50 Gothitelle. She also has two Full Restores she will use if she can. She doesn't have many dual types, but many of her strongest moves are Electric-type so a Ground/Dark type like Krookodile could do really well in this fight.

Elite Four Marshal

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Marshal is a Fighting-type purist. All of his Pokémon are pure Fighting-type so his only weaknesses will be to Flying and Psychic type moves. This makes Sigilyph a great choice for this battle. He has a Lv. 48 Throh, a Lv. 48 Sawk, a Lv. 48 Conkeldurr, and a Lv. 50 Mienshao. He also has two Full Restores that he'll use. The one thing to watch out for is that all of his Pokémon know a Rock-type move, so if you are relying on a Flying-type he will have some strong super effective moves on you.

After defeating the elite four, you traditionally take on the Pokémon League champion as the final boss of the game. Pokémon Black and White do things a little differently however. It's a little more involved, so we've split it out into the next chapter.

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Chapter 9: Pokemon League - Pokemon Black White Walkthrough
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Home > Pokemon Black and White Walkthrough > Chapter 9: Pokemon League

Chapter 9: Pokemon League

Route 10

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Professor Juniper will be waiting for you outside after defeating Opelucid Gym. She will point you in the direction of Victory Road to the north and give you the Master Ball. Make sure your team is healed and then head north out of town onto Route 10. In the grass behind the sign only the right-most item ball is real and it contains a Full Heal. This route is full of tough trainers, but many of them are optional.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Head right over the bridge and you'll be stopped by Cheren and Bianca. Cheren will want another battle and this time he uses a Lv. 43 Unfezant, a Lv. 43 Liepard, a Lv. 43 Simisage/Simisear/Simipour, and a Lv. 45 Serperior/Emboar/Samurott. After defeating Cheren they will both congratulate you on your strength and Bianca will give you 2 Max Revives.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

If you head north along the narrow strip of dark grass you can find a Hyper Potion and a Dawn Stone as well as two optional trainers. If you head south across the bridge you can speak with the guy to the left to get a Dusk Stone as well. Finally you can pick up TM05 - Roar before hopping down the ledge here. Continue to the right to find a couple more trainer battles and a Full Restore.

Victory Road

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Head north to enter a series of badge gates. You'll need a particular gym badge to unlock each one, but since you should have them all at this point you can proceed through each gate. Once you get through them all you'll find yourself on the infamous Victory Road. As in all Pokémon games, Victory Road is full of the toughest trainers and Pokémon, so use this opportunity to train your team for the upcoming Pokémon League. It should also be noted that if you need to leave to heal your team on this journey, you can fly back to the beginning of Victory Road.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Enter the cave ahead. There's some water in here that you can surf across to reach a Max Revive. Head up the stairs to the next room where you can battle an Ace Trainer. Leave the cave afterward and someone will show you how you can slide down the slopes of mountain. Continue to the right and enter the next cave.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Here you can surf across some more water and pick up a Rare Candy. Head up the stairs to the left and then continue north and up another set of stairs. There's another tough Ace Trainer battle and then you can exit the cave. Enter the middle cave and you'll find a trainer inside and two sets of stairs. Take the staircase down and you'll be able to create a shortcut if you have a Pokémon that knows the HM Strength. Then head back to the last room and take the staircase up where you'll find an Ace Trainer and an exit back outside. Outside on the ledge you'll find a Full Restore.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Head back outside on the floor below and enter the cave to the far left and defeat the trainer in this room. If you take the stairs up to the right you'll find a doctor who will heal your team for you if you defeat him in battle. You can then head north in this room and create a little shortcut with Strength if you'd like. Head up the stairs to the right and then head north and take the stairs to the left.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

There's an Ace Trainer walking around this room that you can take out if you'd like. Take the left exit to find a Full Heal in an item ball and then take the right exit to progress. Slide down the mountain to the right to reach a new area and then enter the cave once again. Defeat the trainer in here if you'd like and then head left. You can push the boulder here to create a shortcut and quickly get back to the doctor to heal your team.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Head back up the stairs to the right and exit the cave. If you slide down the mountain next to the man twice you can pick up TM93 - Wild Charge. You can then slide down once more and enter the cave to the right to pick up a Calcium. This will put you in the room with the doctor, so heal up your team and then backtrack to the top of the mountain using the shortcuts. You can then head north to exit Victory Road and enter the Pokémon League.

Pokémon League

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

You've now made it to the final guantlet, the Pokémon League. The elite four have Pokémon in the Lv. 48-50 range, so you made need to do some grinding on Victory Road if you aren't up to that level yet. Before beginning the battles, check out the Pokémon Center to the west to heal up your team and stock up on Revives and Full Restores.

Go ahead and enter the center building to start the challenge. Unlike many past Pokémon Leagues, you'll be able to fight the elite four in the order you choose. The sign in the middle of the room will indicate which staircase to take for each. In this guide we'll list them from left to right. Remember that you can't visit the Pokémon Center between these battles, so use items to heal your team between each battle instead.

Elite Four Shauntal

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Shauntal uses Ghost-type Pokémon, so Dark and Ghost type moves will be the most effective. She uses a Lv. 48 Cofagrigus, a Lv. 48 Jellicent, a Lv. 48 Golurk, and a Lv. 50 Chandelure. She also have two Full Restores that she will use. If you don't happen to have strong Dark or Ghost type moves on your team, most of her team is dual type so she has plenty of other weaknesses.

Elite Four Grimsley

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Grimsley uses Dark-type Pokémon. Fighting and Bug type moves are their only weakness. He uses a Lv. 48 Scrafty, a Lv. 48 Liepard, a Lv. 48 Krookodile, and a Lv. 50 Bisharp. He also has two Full Restores that he will use if given the chance. His Pokémon hit pretty hard, but their dual-typings also expose several weaknesses.

Elite Four Caitlin

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Caitlin is a Psychic-type specialist. Bug, Ghost, and Dark types are your best bet against her. She has a Lv. 48 Reuniclus, a Lv. 48 Musharna, a Lv. 48 Sigilyph, and a Lv. 50 Gothitelle. She also has two Full Restores she will use if she can. She doesn't have many dual types, but many of her strongest moves are Electric-type so a Ground/Dark type like Krookodile could do really well in this fight.

Elite Four Marshal

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Marshal is a Fighting-type purist. All of his Pokémon are pure Fighting-type so his only weaknesses will be to Flying and Psychic type moves. This makes Sigilyph a great choice for this battle. He has a Lv. 48 Throh, a Lv. 48 Sawk, a Lv. 48 Conkeldurr, and a Lv. 50 Mienshao. He also has two Full Restores that he'll use. The one thing to watch out for is that all of his Pokémon know a Rock-type move, so if you are relying on a Flying-type he will have some strong super effective moves on you.

After defeating the elite four, you traditionally take on the Pokémon League champion as the final boss of the game. Pokémon Black and White do things a little differently however. It's a little more involved, so we've split it out into the next chapter.

Back to Opelucid Gym Continue to Final Showdown

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