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Chapter 11: Seven Sages

Finding the Sages

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After the credits have rolled, you'll find yourself back in your room at your house in Nuvema Town. Head downstairs where you'll find your mom and an international policeman named Looker who was wearing a disguise of your mom. He reveals that while you defeated Team Plasma, the seven sages are still out and about. He tasks you with finding them and taking them out and also gives you the Super Rod.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

When you exit your house you'll run into Cheren and Bianca. They will apologize for letting the seven sages escape and Bianca mentions that she will be visiting Black City (Black version) or White Forest (White version). There you can find many Pokémon from past generations. To accommodate this, Cedric will show up and upgrade you to the National Pokédex.

Sage Rood

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To find the first of the seven sages you'll need to head onto Route 1 and surf to the west. You'll find a new area you can access here with some trainers to battle. They will be fairly underleved compared to you at this point. In a corner to the left you can find a Max Ether. Keep following this route to the south through the patches of tall grass. You can also find a Pearl tucked away to the south-east. Enter the route gate to the left to enter Route 17.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

This is a water based route, so start by surfing to the west. The wild Pokémon here are very weak but the trainers are in the Lv 30s. There are currents that will force you in certain directions as well as patches of shallow water you can walk on. Just to the left you can find TM06 - Toxic on a shallow patch. Continue west, defeating some trainers along the way.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

You will find a large current puzzle. You can take the bottom current to push you all the way west. But if you navigate the interior currents you can find a DeepSeaTooth. Keep heading west onto dry land and you'll find a mountainous area. There is a building on top of this mountain and you can speak to the lady with blue hair inside to heal your team. If you have an open party slot you can also get an Egg containing Larvesta from a Pokémon Ranger.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Head south across the bridge and use strength to push a boulder and create a path forward. The only thing of interest in this section is a Max Elixir and a new variety of wild Pokémon. Head back north across the bridge and then west. There is a narrow strip of land with tall grass that you can traverse that leads you to HM05 - Waterfall. You can then take the east path just below the stairs you came down and use strength to push a boulder here. This will lead you to a trainer battle and a Dragon Scale.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

The object of our little adventure out here can be found on the beach to the south. Speak to Sage Rood and he will give you TM32 - Double Team. Looker will then come to take the sage away for interrogation. If you were just after the sage, you can fly back and skip to the next section. However, there are several more goodies to pick up around here if you want to stick around.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Take the path to the north and it will lead you past a trainer to another current puzzle in the water. Take the middle path and then go north to find a labratory on a little island. Inside you can find a Dubious Disc. You can also find TM24 - Thunderbolt and a scientist to battle on this same island.

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Head back to the center of the current area and navigate through the little breaks in the current back east. You know you're going the right way if you need to battle a swimmer to get there. This will lead you to Route 18. You'll land on a beach where you can battle a trainer and pick up TM19 - Telekinesis in the tall grass to the north. If you then surf a little further south to the next beach you can pick up a Heart Scale. That's all there is to do on these two routes, so you can now fly or take the currents back to dry land.

Sage Gorm

It should be noted that from here on out there is a large level jump with trainer battles in post game content. Trainers will have Pokémon in the low Lv. 60s while you may still have high Lv. 40s and low Lv. 50s. There are verious strategies to grind to get closer to this level, especially utilizing items like Exp. Share and Lucky Eggs. Battling wild Pokémon in dark grass will also net you more Exp. Alternatively, you can just attempt these higher level trainers and you should be able to catch up with the large amount of Exp. they net. They usually only have a couple Pokémon and many are not fully evolved, so they are manageable with good strategy.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Fly to Striaton City to begin our search for the next sage. Once there, head east to the Dreamyard. On the east side of the Dreamyard you'll see a staircase going beneath the ground. As mentioned above the trainers in here have Pokémon in the Lv. 60s, so be prepared for that. There are many scientist trainers down here, and most will actually run away from you if they see you, you can still battle them if you'd like by chasing them down. On the left side of the room you can find a TwistedSpoon.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Exit this underground section using the staircase to the right. Outside you will find Sage Gorm. He will give you a little spiel about how Team Plasma wanted to use the element of surprise. He will then give you TM75 - Swords Dance. Looker will then come and take the sage away. There are still a few goodies to pick up around here if you want to stick around.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

You can head north to find a Revive. Off to the left you can find a Hyper Potion and a staircase leading to another area underground. Down here there are a few patches of tall grass as well as TM85 - Dream Eater. You can then head back above ground and use strength to push a boulder and create a shortcut back to the entrance of the Dreamyard.

Sage Ryoku

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The next sage can be found in Relic Castle, so head over to Nimbasa City and head south onto Route 4. Follow the path west to the Desert Resort and then try to enter Relic Castle to the north. Professor Juniper will be leaving just as you arrive, and she'll let you know that the statues here are actually dormant Darmanitan that can be awakened with the RageCandyBar that she'll give you. You can catch one if you want, but the sage that we're after is inside the Relic Castle.

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Make your way to the bottom of the castle using the sand pits. When you arrive at the bottom floor, you'll notice a new door that you can enter on the right side of the room. You'll run into a Team Plasma grunt who you'll need to chase to the next room in battle. They have a Lv. 64 Krookodile. From here, you'll need to navigate a maze of rooms to reach the sage. Go down, left, down, left, left to reach Sage Ryoku. When you reach him, he'll mention that you can find Volcarona nearby and give you TM04 - Calm Mind. Looker will then come and take him away.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Head to the room to the north for a single fixed encounter with Volcarona if you'd like. It's Lv. 70 so it'll be very difficult to catch without using the Master Ball, you may want to come back later. This is the only way to get Volcarona in the game, except for evolving the single Larvesta you can hatch from an egg on Route 18. The only thing left to do here is navigate the maze by taking every going as far left as possible to reach an alternate exit to the castle. You'll eventually reach a room where you'll need to take many staircases up to reach the surface. Once here, you can find the very useful TM26 - Earthquake.

Sage Zinzolin

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Our next destination is the Cold Storage facility, so fly on over to Driftveil City. Head south from here and enter the same building to the southwest that you did earlier in the game. The sage is hiding out in the exact storage container that you had a confrontation with Team Plasma in earlier. You'll have to make your way through a couple of the ice puzzles again, but once you get back to the storage container simply enter it and speak to Sage Zinzolin. He will give a speech about how great it is to be alive and then give you TM01 - Hone Claws. Looker will then come and take him away.

Sage Bronius

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The next sage can be found in the depths of Chargestone Cave, so start by flying over to Mistralton City. Head south to enter the cave. Head north and then take the stairs to the left down as far as you can. Head all the way to the south in this room, past the Ace Trainer that is pacing back and forth. On the lower level here you can find Sage Bronius.

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Before surrendering, Bronius will send two Team Plasma Grunts out to battle you. The first has a Lv. 63 Watchog and a Lv. 63 Scrafty. The second has two Lv. 62 Liepard and a Lv. 62 Garbodor. After defeating them you will get TM69 - Rock Polish. Looker will then come and arrest all of the Team Plasma members here.

Sage Giallio

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Fly to Nimbasa City and head east onto Route 16. The trainers on this route should be very easy and underleveled, as it was possible to explore this route much earlier in the game. If you use Strength to push a boulder up you can find TM66 - Payback. Continue east on this route onto Marvelous Bridge. You will be stopped on the bridge by the Shadow Triad. They will give you the Adamant Orb, the Lustrous Orb, and the Griseous Orb.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Continuing east onto Route 15, trainers become much harder. You can take the upper path to find the Poké Transfer Lab building that allows you to bring over Pokémon from previous generations to this game. If you continue on the upper path you can make it to Black City or White Forest, which is currently empty except for a Pokémon Center. On the lower path in this route there are several trainers and strong wild Pokémon from previous generations. You can also solve a few boulder pushing puzzles to find a Max Revive, TM09 - Venoshock, an Up-Grade.

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From Black City/White Forest, you can head north onto Route 14. There are very tough trainers on this route, with their Pokémon levels in the upper 60s. If you surf to the north after the first trainer you can find a Reaper Cloth. There is a waterfall directly next to this that you can climb up if you have a Pokémon that knows Waterfall (check the Sage Rood section if you don't have this HM).

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Up here you'll find the final sage, Sage Giallo. When you find him he'll give you TM08 - Bulk Up. Looker will then come and take the sage away. If you have been following along and found all the sages, Looker will mention a sighting of N and a Dragon-type Pokémon. However, this is quite misleading as there are no more encounters with N or Ghetsis in the game. It's a bit anti-climactic, but by finding the sixth sage you've closed out this quest.

The rest of the post-game is very open ended, but a good place to start is by exploring the rest of the routes and towns in the game. You could start from Opelucid City and head east onto Route 11, but since we're already here on Route 14 we'll continue exploring "backwards" along this route. We won't go into much detail here, since there is no current story objective, but you should be exploring and getting as much Exp as you can if you want to take on the remaining battles.

Route 14

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There are many waterfalls and areas to surf on the west side of Route 14, and some of them lead to little islands where you can battle some trainers. You can also find the entrance to the Abundant Shrine on this west side, but we'll skip this for now as we'll need to come back here later to catch a legendary. On the east side of the route there are a number of bridges leading north with trainers dotted along the path. This will eventually lead to a beach area that turns into Undella Town.

Undella Town

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Depending on the season, this town may seem very empty. It's a Summer resort town, so there will be many more people here in the Summer than the other seasons. The first thing to do in town is speak to the girl standing on the cliff to get HM06 - Dive. If you enter the house directly to the north of her you will find Cynthia, who you might be familiar with if you played the generation IV games. She wants to challenge you to a battle, but it's probably best to hold off on that for now. Her entire team is in the mid Lv. 70s.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

The main attraction in town is the large villa on the west side. If you defeat the little boy and his Lv. 60 Buizel in battle, he'll take you inside. If you return daily, you can battle him again and a series of his family members. The owner of this house can be found in a room to the left. He wants to collect very rare items, but he doesn't have any yet. He will purchase rare items you find for large sums of money. You can mostly find these rare items by diving in the Abyssal Ruins to the east of town.

Route 13

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Head north out of town onto Route 13. This is another route with tough trainers who have Pokémon in the Lv. 60s. Take out the trainers in the lower grassy area and head west. There is a small tree you can cut down that leads you to find an Electirizer. If you take the steep staircase to the left up to the top of the cliff you can find TM29 - Psychic after pushing a boulder.

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On the beach area, you can surf back to the east along the upper path to find a DeepSeaScale in a shallow area. Speak to the bald man near the cliffside to get Gram 1. If you take the beach to the north (you'll need to surf for a bit to access it) you can find a Prism Scale. If you continue north past this you can find the Giant Chasm, but we aren't quite ready to explore that area yet. One useful thing you can do while you're here is push the boulder to the left into its hole to create a little shortcut for later.

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If you head west along the beach on the lower path, you'll find a house. Inside this house is a man who will teach the "ultimate move" to any starter Pokémon you have. If you surf west past this, you'll find another house. Speak to the man inside to get the Splash Plate and the Draco Plate. Take the beach path to the northwest and you'll find a staircase leading up to the cliff to the right. If you head south past the bridges and a couple more trainers you can find a Razor Claw and Gram 2. Afterwards you can take the path to the north and then enter Lacunosa Town to the west.

Route 12

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There's not much to do in Lacunosa Town for now, so just heal up and continue west onto Route 12. This is a short and peaceful route with some rolling hills and meadows. There are also trainers to battle and goodies to pick up all over. The most notable is TM53 - Energy Ball. Leave this route to the west onto the Village Bridge.

Village Bridge

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As the name suggests, this is a town built on a bridge. There is no Pokémon Center here, but if you enter the first house on the bridge you can speak to the woman inside to have your team healed. There are various trainers in the areas surrounding the bridge, as well as a waiter mini-game you can play at the sandwhich shop to get berries as a reward. On the west side of the bridge you can look in an empty barrel to get the very useful Leftovers. If you surf on the river you can also pick up a Calcium and Ultra Ball on the islands. You can then leave the village to the west.

Route 11

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Route 11 is very straight short path lined with a few trainers. However, there is more area to access if you surf in the river to the south and use Waterfall to navigate to the higher and lower areas. In the lower area there is another trainer to battle as well as a Protector in an item ball. On the higher area you can find TM50 - Overheat. You can also find a Hyper Potion in the grass at the end of the route.

After exiting Route 11 to the west, you'll find yourself back in Opelucid City. This means we've now explored all the towns and routes in the game, and have spots to fly to to access the rest of the post game content. We'll cover all of that in the next chapter.

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Chapter 11: Seven Sages - Pokemon Black White Walkthrough
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Home > Pokemon Black and White Walkthrough > Chapter 11: Seven Sages

Chapter 11: Seven Sages

Finding the Sages

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After the credits have rolled, you'll find yourself back in your room at your house in Nuvema Town. Head downstairs where you'll find your mom and an international policeman named Looker who was wearing a disguise of your mom. He reveals that while you defeated Team Plasma, the seven sages are still out and about. He tasks you with finding them and taking them out and also gives you the Super Rod.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

When you exit your house you'll run into Cheren and Bianca. They will apologize for letting the seven sages escape and Bianca mentions that she will be visiting Black City (Black version) or White Forest (White version). There you can find many Pokémon from past generations. To accommodate this, Cedric will show up and upgrade you to the National Pokédex.

Sage Rood

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To find the first of the seven sages you'll need to head onto Route 1 and surf to the west. You'll find a new area you can access here with some trainers to battle. They will be fairly underleved compared to you at this point. In a corner to the left you can find a Max Ether. Keep following this route to the south through the patches of tall grass. You can also find a Pearl tucked away to the south-east. Enter the route gate to the left to enter Route 17.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

This is a water based route, so start by surfing to the west. The wild Pokémon here are very weak but the trainers are in the Lv 30s. There are currents that will force you in certain directions as well as patches of shallow water you can walk on. Just to the left you can find TM06 - Toxic on a shallow patch. Continue west, defeating some trainers along the way.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

You will find a large current puzzle. You can take the bottom current to push you all the way west. But if you navigate the interior currents you can find a DeepSeaTooth. Keep heading west onto dry land and you'll find a mountainous area. There is a building on top of this mountain and you can speak to the lady with blue hair inside to heal your team. If you have an open party slot you can also get an Egg containing Larvesta from a Pokémon Ranger.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Head south across the bridge and use strength to push a boulder and create a path forward. The only thing of interest in this section is a Max Elixir and a new variety of wild Pokémon. Head back north across the bridge and then west. There is a narrow strip of land with tall grass that you can traverse that leads you to HM05 - Waterfall. You can then take the east path just below the stairs you came down and use strength to push a boulder here. This will lead you to a trainer battle and a Dragon Scale.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

The object of our little adventure out here can be found on the beach to the south. Speak to Sage Rood and he will give you TM32 - Double Team. Looker will then come to take the sage away for interrogation. If you were just after the sage, you can fly back and skip to the next section. However, there are several more goodies to pick up around here if you want to stick around.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Take the path to the north and it will lead you past a trainer to another current puzzle in the water. Take the middle path and then go north to find a labratory on a little island. Inside you can find a Dubious Disc. You can also find TM24 - Thunderbolt and a scientist to battle on this same island.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Head back to the center of the current area and navigate through the little breaks in the current back east. You know you're going the right way if you need to battle a swimmer to get there. This will lead you to Route 18. You'll land on a beach where you can battle a trainer and pick up TM19 - Telekinesis in the tall grass to the north. If you then surf a little further south to the next beach you can pick up a Heart Scale. That's all there is to do on these two routes, so you can now fly or take the currents back to dry land.

Sage Gorm

It should be noted that from here on out there is a large level jump with trainer battles in post game content. Trainers will have Pokémon in the low Lv. 60s while you may still have high Lv. 40s and low Lv. 50s. There are verious strategies to grind to get closer to this level, especially utilizing items like Exp. Share and Lucky Eggs. Battling wild Pokémon in dark grass will also net you more Exp. Alternatively, you can just attempt these higher level trainers and you should be able to catch up with the large amount of Exp. they net. They usually only have a couple Pokémon and many are not fully evolved, so they are manageable with good strategy.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Fly to Striaton City to begin our search for the next sage. Once there, head east to the Dreamyard. On the east side of the Dreamyard you'll see a staircase going beneath the ground. As mentioned above the trainers in here have Pokémon in the Lv. 60s, so be prepared for that. There are many scientist trainers down here, and most will actually run away from you if they see you, you can still battle them if you'd like by chasing them down. On the left side of the room you can find a TwistedSpoon.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Exit this underground section using the staircase to the right. Outside you will find Sage Gorm. He will give you a little spiel about how Team Plasma wanted to use the element of surprise. He will then give you TM75 - Swords Dance. Looker will then come and take the sage away. There are still a few goodies to pick up around here if you want to stick around.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

You can head north to find a Revive. Off to the left you can find a Hyper Potion and a staircase leading to another area underground. Down here there are a few patches of tall grass as well as TM85 - Dream Eater. You can then head back above ground and use strength to push a boulder and create a shortcut back to the entrance of the Dreamyard.

Sage Ryoku

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The next sage can be found in Relic Castle, so head over to Nimbasa City and head south onto Route 4. Follow the path west to the Desert Resort and then try to enter Relic Castle to the north. Professor Juniper will be leaving just as you arrive, and she'll let you know that the statues here are actually dormant Darmanitan that can be awakened with the RageCandyBar that she'll give you. You can catch one if you want, but the sage that we're after is inside the Relic Castle.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Make your way to the bottom of the castle using the sand pits. When you arrive at the bottom floor, you'll notice a new door that you can enter on the right side of the room. You'll run into a Team Plasma grunt who you'll need to chase to the next room in battle. They have a Lv. 64 Krookodile. From here, you'll need to navigate a maze of rooms to reach the sage. Go down, left, down, left, left to reach Sage Ryoku. When you reach him, he'll mention that you can find Volcarona nearby and give you TM04 - Calm Mind. Looker will then come and take him away.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Head to the room to the north for a single fixed encounter with Volcarona if you'd like. It's Lv. 70 so it'll be very difficult to catch without using the Master Ball, you may want to come back later. This is the only way to get Volcarona in the game, except for evolving the single Larvesta you can hatch from an egg on Route 18. The only thing left to do here is navigate the maze by taking every going as far left as possible to reach an alternate exit to the castle. You'll eventually reach a room where you'll need to take many staircases up to reach the surface. Once here, you can find the very useful TM26 - Earthquake.

Sage Zinzolin

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Our next destination is the Cold Storage facility, so fly on over to Driftveil City. Head south from here and enter the same building to the southwest that you did earlier in the game. The sage is hiding out in the exact storage container that you had a confrontation with Team Plasma in earlier. You'll have to make your way through a couple of the ice puzzles again, but once you get back to the storage container simply enter it and speak to Sage Zinzolin. He will give a speech about how great it is to be alive and then give you TM01 - Hone Claws. Looker will then come and take him away.

Sage Bronius

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The next sage can be found in the depths of Chargestone Cave, so start by flying over to Mistralton City. Head south to enter the cave. Head north and then take the stairs to the left down as far as you can. Head all the way to the south in this room, past the Ace Trainer that is pacing back and forth. On the lower level here you can find Sage Bronius.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Before surrendering, Bronius will send two Team Plasma Grunts out to battle you. The first has a Lv. 63 Watchog and a Lv. 63 Scrafty. The second has two Lv. 62 Liepard and a Lv. 62 Garbodor. After defeating them you will get TM69 - Rock Polish. Looker will then come and arrest all of the Team Plasma members here.

Sage Giallio

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Fly to Nimbasa City and head east onto Route 16. The trainers on this route should be very easy and underleveled, as it was possible to explore this route much earlier in the game. If you use Strength to push a boulder up you can find TM66 - Payback. Continue east on this route onto Marvelous Bridge. You will be stopped on the bridge by the Shadow Triad. They will give you the Adamant Orb, the Lustrous Orb, and the Griseous Orb.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Continuing east onto Route 15, trainers become much harder. You can take the upper path to find the Poké Transfer Lab building that allows you to bring over Pokémon from previous generations to this game. If you continue on the upper path you can make it to Black City or White Forest, which is currently empty except for a Pokémon Center. On the lower path in this route there are several trainers and strong wild Pokémon from previous generations. You can also solve a few boulder pushing puzzles to find a Max Revive, TM09 - Venoshock, an Up-Grade.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

From Black City/White Forest, you can head north onto Route 14. There are very tough trainers on this route, with their Pokémon levels in the upper 60s. If you surf to the north after the first trainer you can find a Reaper Cloth. There is a waterfall directly next to this that you can climb up if you have a Pokémon that knows Waterfall (check the Sage Rood section if you don't have this HM).

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Up here you'll find the final sage, Sage Giallo. When you find him he'll give you TM08 - Bulk Up. Looker will then come and take the sage away. If you have been following along and found all the sages, Looker will mention a sighting of N and a Dragon-type Pokémon. However, this is quite misleading as there are no more encounters with N or Ghetsis in the game. It's a bit anti-climactic, but by finding the sixth sage you've closed out this quest.

The rest of the post-game is very open ended, but a good place to start is by exploring the rest of the routes and towns in the game. You could start from Opelucid City and head east onto Route 11, but since we're already here on Route 14 we'll continue exploring "backwards" along this route. We won't go into much detail here, since there is no current story objective, but you should be exploring and getting as much Exp as you can if you want to take on the remaining battles.

Route 14

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

There are many waterfalls and areas to surf on the west side of Route 14, and some of them lead to little islands where you can battle some trainers. You can also find the entrance to the Abundant Shrine on this west side, but we'll skip this for now as we'll need to come back here later to catch a legendary. On the east side of the route there are a number of bridges leading north with trainers dotted along the path. This will eventually lead to a beach area that turns into Undella Town.

Undella Town

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Depending on the season, this town may seem very empty. It's a Summer resort town, so there will be many more people here in the Summer than the other seasons. The first thing to do in town is speak to the girl standing on the cliff to get HM06 - Dive. If you enter the house directly to the north of her you will find Cynthia, who you might be familiar with if you played the generation IV games. She wants to challenge you to a battle, but it's probably best to hold off on that for now. Her entire team is in the mid Lv. 70s.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

The main attraction in town is the large villa on the west side. If you defeat the little boy and his Lv. 60 Buizel in battle, he'll take you inside. If you return daily, you can battle him again and a series of his family members. The owner of this house can be found in a room to the left. He wants to collect very rare items, but he doesn't have any yet. He will purchase rare items you find for large sums of money. You can mostly find these rare items by diving in the Abyssal Ruins to the east of town.

Route 13

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Head north out of town onto Route 13. This is another route with tough trainers who have Pokémon in the Lv. 60s. Take out the trainers in the lower grassy area and head west. There is a small tree you can cut down that leads you to find an Electirizer. If you take the steep staircase to the left up to the top of the cliff you can find TM29 - Psychic after pushing a boulder.

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

On the beach area, you can surf back to the east along the upper path to find a DeepSeaScale in a shallow area. Speak to the bald man near the cliffside to get Gram 1. If you take the beach to the north (you'll need to surf for a bit to access it) you can find a Prism Scale. If you continue north past this you can find the Giant Chasm, but we aren't quite ready to explore that area yet. One useful thing you can do while you're here is push the boulder to the left into its hole to create a little shortcut for later.

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If you head west along the beach on the lower path, you'll find a house. Inside this house is a man who will teach the "ultimate move" to any starter Pokémon you have. If you surf west past this, you'll find another house. Speak to the man inside to get the Splash Plate and the Draco Plate. Take the beach path to the northwest and you'll find a staircase leading up to the cliff to the right. If you head south past the bridges and a couple more trainers you can find a Razor Claw and Gram 2. Afterwards you can take the path to the north and then enter Lacunosa Town to the west.

Route 12

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

There's not much to do in Lacunosa Town for now, so just heal up and continue west onto Route 12. This is a short and peaceful route with some rolling hills and meadows. There are also trainers to battle and goodies to pick up all over. The most notable is TM53 - Energy Ball. Leave this route to the west onto the Village Bridge.

Village Bridge

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

As the name suggests, this is a town built on a bridge. There is no Pokémon Center here, but if you enter the first house on the bridge you can speak to the woman inside to have your team healed. There are various trainers in the areas surrounding the bridge, as well as a waiter mini-game you can play at the sandwhich shop to get berries as a reward. On the west side of the bridge you can look in an empty barrel to get the very useful Leftovers. If you surf on the river you can also pick up a Calcium and Ultra Ball on the islands. You can then leave the village to the west.

Route 11

Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Pokemon Black White Walkthrough

Route 11 is very straight short path lined with a few trainers. However, there is more area to access if you surf in the river to the south and use Waterfall to navigate to the higher and lower areas. In the lower area there is another trainer to battle as well as a Protector in an item ball. On the higher area you can find TM50 - Overheat. You can also find a Hyper Potion in the grass at the end of the route.

After exiting Route 11 to the west, you'll find yourself back in Opelucid City. This means we've now explored all the towns and routes in the game, and have spots to fly to to access the rest of the post game content. We'll cover all of that in the next chapter.

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