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Pokemon Black and White Gym Leaders

Our Pokémon Black and White Gym Leaders guide gives you all the information and strategy tips you need to defeat all 8 gym leaders in the Unova region. It includes detailed information on a Gym Leader's team and strategy on how to defeat them. If you're looking for information on how to reach any of the eight gyms in Black & White or how to complete the puzzles in these gyms, check out our Black and White Walkthrough.

Pokémon Black White Gym Leaders

Gym #1 Sriaton City - Leader Chili, Cilan, Cress

Pokemon Black White Cress Gym Leader Pokemon Black White Cress Gym Leader

Leader: Chili
Type Fire
Rewards: Trio Badge, TM83 - Work Up

#1 Lillipup


Type: normal
Lv: 12
Ability: Vital Spirit
Hold Item: N/A
Bite dark
Work Up normal
Odor Sleuth normal
Helping Hand normal

#2 Pansear


Type: fire
Lv: 14
Ability: Gluttony
Hold Item: N/A
Incinerate fire
Work Up normal
Lick ghost
Fury Swipes normal

Leader: Cilan
Type Grass
Rewards: Trio Badge, TM83 - Work Up

#1 Lillipup


Type: normal
Lv: 12
Ability: Vital Spirit
Hold Item: N/A
Bite dark
Work Up normal
Odor Sleuth normal
Helping Hand normal

#2 Pansage


Type: grass
Lv: 14
Ability: Gluttony
Hold Item: N/A
Vien Whip grass
Work Up normal
Lick ghost
Fury Swipes normal

Leader: Cress
Type Water
Rewards: Trio Badge, TM83 - Work Up

#1 Lillipup


Type: normal
Lv: 12
Ability: Vital Spirit
Hold Item: N/A
Bite dark
Work Up normal
Odor Sleuth normal
Helping Hand normal

#2 Panpour


Type: water
Lv: 14
Ability: Gluttony
Hold Item: N/A
Water Gun water
Work Up normal
Lick ghost
Fury Swipes normal


Which of the three gym leaders above that you will face is determined by the starter Pokémon you chose. If you chose Snivy, you'll face Chili. If you chose Tepig, you'll face Cress. If you chose Oshawott, you'll face Cilan. This means that the gym leader will always have the type advantage against your starter.

To regain the type advantage, you should pick up a Pansage, Pansear, or Panpour by speaking to the black-haired girl in the Dreamyard to the east of town. She'll give you the correct "Pan" to get a type advantage.

Gym #2 Nacrene City - Leader Lenora

Pokemon Black White Lenora Gym Leader Pokemon Black White Lenora Gym Leader

Leader: Lenora
Type Normal
Rewards: Basic Badge, TM67 - Retaliate

#1 Herdier


Type: normal
Lv: 18
Ability: Intimidate
Hold Item: N/A
Take Down normal
Bite dark
Retaliate normal
Leer normal

#2 Watchog


Type: normal
Lv: 20
Ability: Illuminate
Hold Item: N/A
Leer normal
Crunch dark
Retaliate normal
Hypnosis psychic


Lenora uses Normal-type Pokémon. She has a Lv. 18 Herdier and a Lv. 20 Watchog. If you caught a Fighting-type or evolved Tepig you'll have some super effective options. But because it's a Normal-type gym thet type chart will play less of a role here, you should be able to use any team. Watchog knows Hypnosis and can put you to sleep, so watch out for that. She will also use a Super Potion if she can.

After defeating Lenora she will reward you with the Basic Badge. Traded Pokémon up to Lv. 30 will now obey you. She will also give you TM67 - Retaliate.

Gym #3 Castelia City - Leader Burgh

Pokemon Black White Burgh Gym Leader Pokemon Black White Burgh Gym Leader

Leader: Burgh
Type Bug
Rewards: Insect Badge, TM76 - Struggle Bug

#1 Whirlipede


Type: bug poison
Lv: 21
Ability: Poison Point
Hold Item: N/A
Poison Tail poison
Struggle Bug bug
Pursuit dark
Screech normal

#2 Dwebble


Type: bug rock
Lv: 21
Ability: Sturdy
Hold Item: N/A
Smack Down rock
Struggle Bug bug
Faint Attack dark
Sand-attack ground

#3 Leavanny


Type: bug grass
Lv: 23
Ability: Swarm
Hold Item: N/A
Razor Leaf grass
Struggle Bug bug
String Shot bug
Protect normal


Burgh has a Lv. 21 Whirlipede, a Lv. 21 Dwebble, and a Lv. 32 Leavanny. It's a good idea to bring along some Antidotes, as his Pokémon can poison you. He has two Hyper Potions that he will use if his Pokémon get low on health. If you chose Tepig as your starter, this gym should be particularly easy. The only thing to note is that Dwebble is part Rock-type, so it doesn't have a Fire or Flying type weakness.

After defeating Burgh, you will receive the Insect Badge, which means Pokémon up to Lv. 40 will obey you. He'll also give you TM76 - Struggle Bug.

Gym #4 Nimbasa City - Leader Elesa

Pokemon Black White Elesa Gym Leader Pokemon Black White Elesa Gym Leader

Leader: Elesa
Type Electric
Rewards: Insect Badge, TM76 - Struggle Bug

#1 Emolga


Type: electric flying
Lv: 25
Ability: Static
Hold Item: N/A
Pursuit dark
Quick Attack normal
Volt Switch electric
Aerial Ace flying

#2 Emolga


Type: electric flying
Lv: 25
Ability: Static
Hold Item: N/A
Pursuit dark
Quick Attack normal
Volt Switch electric
Aerial Ace flying

#3 Zebstrika


Type: electric
Lv: 27
Ability: Lightningrod
Hold Item: N/A
Quick Attack normal
Spark electric
Volt Switch electric
Flame Charge fire


Elesa has two Lv. 25 Emolga and a Lv. 27 Zebstrika. The main thing of note is that her two Emolga can not be hit with Ground-type moves. This is why a Ground-type that knows a Rock-type move is very useful. She also has two Hyper Potions that she will use if you give her the chance. Her Zebstrika is powerful, but very susceptible to a couple Ground-type hits.

After winning the battle you'll get the Bolt Badge, which ensures Pokémon up to Lv. 50 will obey you. She'll also give you a copy of her favorite move TM72 - Volt Switch.

Gym #5 Nimbasa City - Leader Clay

Pokemon Black White Clay Gym Leader Pokemon Black White Clay Gym Leader

Leader: Clay
Type Ground
Rewards: Quake Badge, TM78 - Bulldoze

#1 Krokorok


Type: ground dark
Lv: 29
Ability: Intimidate
Hold Item: N/A
Crunch dark
Swagger normal
Bulldoze ground
Torment dark

#2 Palpitoad


Type: water ground
Lv: 29
Ability: Swift Swim
Hold Item: N/A
Muddy Water water
Aqua Ring water
Bulldoze ground
Bubblebeam water

#3 Excadrill


Type: ground steel
Lv: 31
Ability: Sand Rush
Hold Item: N/A
Slash normal
Rock Slide rock
Bulldoze ground
Hone Claws dark


Clay uses a Lv. 29 Krokorok, a Lv. 29 Palpitoad, and a Lv. 31 Excadrill. The Excadrill can be quite tricky to deal with, as it's Steel-typing negates most of the Ground-type weaknesses. But Water-type moves should still do the trick. Don't keep Excadrill around too long though, as it will use Hone Claws to keep boosting its already high Attack stat. Clay also has two Hyper Potions he will use at the first opportunity.

After winning you'll get the Quake Badge, meaning Pokémon up to Lv. 60 will obey you. He says that he'll also give you a TM, but wants you to meet him at the end of Route 6 to collect it instead.

Gym #6 Mistralton City - Leader Skyla

Pokemon Black White Skyla Gym Leader Pokemon Black White Skyla Gym Leader

Leader: Skyla
Type Flying
Rewards: Jet Badge, TM62 - Acrobatics

#1 Swoobat


Type: psychic flying
Lv: 33
Ability: Unaware
Hold Item: N/A
Heart Stamp psychic
Amnesia psychic
Acrobatics flying
Assurance dark

#2 Unfezant


Type: normal flying
Lv: 33
Ability: Big Pecks
Hold Item: N/A
Quick Attack normal
Air Slash flying
Leer normal
Razor Wind normal

#3 Swanna


Type: water flying
Lv: 35
Ability: Keen Eye
Hold Item: N/A
Aqua Ring water
Aerial Ace flying
Air Slash flying
Bubblebeam water


Skyla uses a Lv. 33 Swoobat, a Lv. 33 Unfezant, and a Lv. 35 Swanna. Her Swanna could be tricky, but because of it's dual Water and Flying typing, you can probably OHKO with a solid Electric-type move. She also has two Hyper Potions that she'll use when she can.

Once you defeat Skyla you will be awarded the Jet Badge which means Pokémon up to Lv. 70 will now obey you. She'll also give you a copy of her favorite TM, TM62 - Acrobatics.

Gym #7 Icirrus City - Leader Brycen

Pokemon Black White Brycen Gym Leader Pokemon Black White Brycen Gym Leader

Leader: Brycen
Type Ice
Rewards: Freeze Badge, TM79 - Frost Breath

#1 Vanillish


Type: ice
Lv: 37
Ability: Ice Body
Hold Item: N/A
Mirror Shot steel
Acid Armor poison
Frost Breath ice
Astonish ghost

#2 Cryogonal


Type: ice
Lv: 37
Ability: Levitate
Hold Item: N/A
Reflect psychic
Aurora Beam ice
Frost Breath ice
Rapid Spin water

#3 Espathra


Type: psychic
Lv: 44
Ability: Opportunist
Hold Item: N/A
Psychic psychic
Quick Attack normal
Shadow Ball ghost


Brycen uses a Lv. 37 Vanillish, a Lv. 37 Cryogonal, and a Lv. 39 Beartic. The main things to be weary of in this battle are his ability to freeze you and confuse you with Beartic's Swagger. He also has two Hyper Potions he'll use if he can. Beyond that this is a pretty easy battle if you the type advantage, as his entire team is pure Ice-type.

After defeating Brycen you will get the Freeze Badge, which means that Pokémon up to Lv. 80 will obey you. He'll also give you his favorite, TM79 - Frost Breath.

Gym #8 Icirrus City - Leader Drayden or Iris

Pokemon Black White Drayden Gym Leader Pokemon Black White Iris Gym Leader

Leader: Drayden
Type Dragon
Rewards: Legend Badge, TM82 - Dragon Tail

#1 Fraxure


Type: dragon
Lv: 41
Ability: Rivalry
Hold Item: N/A
Dragon Dance dragon
Dragon Rage dragon
Dragon Tail dragon
Assurance ghost

#2 Druddigon


Type: dragon
Lv: 41
Ability: Rough Skin
Hold Item: N/A
Chip Away normal
Revenge fighting
Dragon Tail dragon
Night Slash dark

#3 Haxorus


Type: dragon
Lv: 43
Ability: Mold Breaker
Hold Item: N/A
Dragon Dance dragon
Slash normal
Dragon Tail dragon
Assurance ghost

Leader: Iris
Type Dragon
Rewards: Legend Badge, TM82 - Dragon Tail

#1 Fraxure


Type: dragon
Lv: 41
Ability: Rivalry
Hold Item: N/A
Dragon Dance dragon
Dragon Rage dragon
Dragon Tail dragon
Assurance ghost

#2 Druddigon


Type: dragon
Lv: 41
Ability: Sheer Force
Hold Item: N/A
Chip Away normal
Revenge fighting
Dragon Tail dragon
Night Slash dark

#3 Haxorus


Type: dragon
Lv: 43
Ability: Mold Breaker
Hold Item: N/A
Dragon Dance dragon
Slash normal
Dragon Tail dragon
Assurance ghost


You will either face Drayden (Black) or Iris (White) depending on the version of the game you are playing. Their teams are essentially the same either way, with the only differences being the gender and abilities of their Pokémon. They have a Lv. 41 Fraxure, a Lv. 41 Druddigon, and a Lv. 43 Haxorus. Be careful if you deal a lot of damage to Druddigon without killing it, as it can make you pay with the move Revenge. Combined with their two Hyper Potions, they can be tough if you aren't quite able to OHKO. Their Pokémon also know Dragon Dance, so they will be getting Attack and Speed buffs throughout.

After defeating Drayden or Iris you will receive the Legend Badge. This is the final gym badge, so all Pokémon will now obey you regardless of level or trade status! They will also reward you with their favorite TM82 - Dragon Tail.

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Pokemon Black and White Gym Leaders - BW Gym Leaders
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Home > Pokemon Black and White > Pokemon Black and White Gym Leaders

Pokemon Black and White Gym Leaders

Our Pokémon Black and White Gym Leaders guide gives you all the information and strategy tips you need to defeat all 8 gym leaders in the Unova region. It includes detailed information on a Gym Leader's team and strategy on how to defeat them. If you're looking for information on how to reach any of the eight gyms in Black & White or how to complete the puzzles in these gyms, check out our Black and White Walkthrough.

Pokémon Black White Gym Leaders

Gym #1 Sriaton City - Leader Chili, Cilan, Cress

Pokemon Black White Cress Gym Leader Pokemon Black White Cress Gym Leader

Leader: Chili
Type Fire
Rewards: Trio Badge, TM83 - Work Up

#1 Lillipup


Type: normal
Lv: 12
Ability: Vital Spirit
Hold Item: N/A
Bite dark
Work Up normal
Odor Sleuth normal
Helping Hand normal

#2 Pansear


Type: fire
Lv: 14
Ability: Gluttony
Hold Item: N/A
Incinerate fire
Work Up normal
Lick ghost
Fury Swipes normal

Leader: Cilan
Type Grass
Rewards: Trio Badge, TM83 - Work Up

#1 Lillipup


Type: normal
Lv: 12
Ability: Vital Spirit
Hold Item: N/A
Bite dark
Work Up normal
Odor Sleuth normal
Helping Hand normal

#2 Pansage


Type: grass
Lv: 14
Ability: Gluttony
Hold Item: N/A
Vien Whip grass
Work Up normal
Lick ghost
Fury Swipes normal

Leader: Cress
Type Water
Rewards: Trio Badge, TM83 - Work Up

#1 Lillipup


Type: normal
Lv: 12
Ability: Vital Spirit
Hold Item: N/A
Bite dark
Work Up normal
Odor Sleuth normal
Helping Hand normal

#2 Panpour


Type: water
Lv: 14
Ability: Gluttony
Hold Item: N/A
Water Gun water
Work Up normal
Lick ghost
Fury Swipes normal


Which of the three gym leaders above that you will face is determined by the starter Pokémon you chose. If you chose Snivy, you'll face Chili. If you chose Tepig, you'll face Cress. If you chose Oshawott, you'll face Cilan. This means that the gym leader will always have the type advantage against your starter.

To regain the type advantage, you should pick up a Pansage, Pansear, or Panpour by speaking to the black-haired girl in the Dreamyard to the east of town. She'll give you the correct "Pan" to get a type advantage.

Gym #2 Nacrene City - Leader Lenora

Pokemon Black White Lenora Gym Leader Pokemon Black White Lenora Gym Leader

Leader: Lenora
Type Normal
Rewards: Basic Badge, TM67 - Retaliate

#1 Herdier


Type: normal
Lv: 18
Ability: Intimidate
Hold Item: N/A
Take Down normal
Bite dark
Retaliate normal
Leer normal

#2 Watchog


Type: normal
Lv: 20
Ability: Illuminate
Hold Item: N/A
Leer normal
Crunch dark
Retaliate normal
Hypnosis psychic


Lenora uses Normal-type Pokémon. She has a Lv. 18 Herdier and a Lv. 20 Watchog. If you caught a Fighting-type or evolved Tepig you'll have some super effective options. But because it's a Normal-type gym thet type chart will play less of a role here, you should be able to use any team. Watchog knows Hypnosis and can put you to sleep, so watch out for that. She will also use a Super Potion if she can.

After defeating Lenora she will reward you with the Basic Badge. Traded Pokémon up to Lv. 30 will now obey you. She will also give you TM67 - Retaliate.

Gym #3 Castelia City - Leader Burgh

Pokemon Black White Burgh Gym Leader Pokemon Black White Burgh Gym Leader

Leader: Burgh
Type Bug
Rewards: Insect Badge, TM76 - Struggle Bug

#1 Whirlipede


Type: bug poison
Lv: 21
Ability: Poison Point
Hold Item: N/A
Poison Tail poison
Struggle Bug bug
Pursuit dark
Screech normal

#2 Dwebble


Type: bug rock
Lv: 21
Ability: Sturdy
Hold Item: N/A
Smack Down rock
Struggle Bug bug
Faint Attack dark
Sand-attack ground

#3 Leavanny


Type: bug grass
Lv: 23
Ability: Swarm
Hold Item: N/A
Razor Leaf grass
Struggle Bug bug
String Shot bug
Protect normal


Burgh has a Lv. 21 Whirlipede, a Lv. 21 Dwebble, and a Lv. 32 Leavanny. It's a good idea to bring along some Antidotes, as his Pokémon can poison you. He has two Hyper Potions that he will use if his Pokémon get low on health. If you chose Tepig as your starter, this gym should be particularly easy. The only thing to note is that Dwebble is part Rock-type, so it doesn't have a Fire or Flying type weakness.

After defeating Burgh, you will receive the Insect Badge, which means Pokémon up to Lv. 40 will obey you. He'll also give you TM76 - Struggle Bug.

Gym #4 Nimbasa City - Leader Elesa

Pokemon Black White Elesa Gym Leader Pokemon Black White Elesa Gym Leader

Leader: Elesa
Type Electric
Rewards: Insect Badge, TM76 - Struggle Bug

#1 Emolga


Type: electric flying
Lv: 25
Ability: Static
Hold Item: N/A
Pursuit dark
Quick Attack normal
Volt Switch electric
Aerial Ace flying

#2 Emolga


Type: electric flying
Lv: 25
Ability: Static
Hold Item: N/A
Pursuit dark
Quick Attack normal
Volt Switch electric
Aerial Ace flying

#3 Zebstrika


Type: electric
Lv: 27
Ability: Lightningrod
Hold Item: N/A
Quick Attack normal
Spark electric
Volt Switch electric
Flame Charge fire


Elesa has two Lv. 25 Emolga and a Lv. 27 Zebstrika. The main thing of note is that her two Emolga can not be hit with Ground-type moves. This is why a Ground-type that knows a Rock-type move is very useful. She also has two Hyper Potions that she will use if you give her the chance. Her Zebstrika is powerful, but very susceptible to a couple Ground-type hits.

After winning the battle you'll get the Bolt Badge, which ensures Pokémon up to Lv. 50 will obey you. She'll also give you a copy of her favorite move TM72 - Volt Switch.

Gym #5 Nimbasa City - Leader Clay

Pokemon Black White Clay Gym Leader Pokemon Black White Clay Gym Leader

Leader: Clay
Type Ground
Rewards: Quake Badge, TM78 - Bulldoze

#1 Krokorok


Type: ground dark
Lv: 29
Ability: Intimidate
Hold Item: N/A
Crunch dark
Swagger normal
Bulldoze ground
Torment dark

#2 Palpitoad


Type: water ground
Lv: 29
Ability: Swift Swim
Hold Item: N/A
Muddy Water water
Aqua Ring water
Bulldoze ground
Bubblebeam water

#3 Excadrill


Type: ground steel
Lv: 31
Ability: Sand Rush
Hold Item: N/A
Slash normal
Rock Slide rock
Bulldoze ground
Hone Claws dark


Clay uses a Lv. 29 Krokorok, a Lv. 29 Palpitoad, and a Lv. 31 Excadrill. The Excadrill can be quite tricky to deal with, as it's Steel-typing negates most of the Ground-type weaknesses. But Water-type moves should still do the trick. Don't keep Excadrill around too long though, as it will use Hone Claws to keep boosting its already high Attack stat. Clay also has two Hyper Potions he will use at the first opportunity.

After winning you'll get the Quake Badge, meaning Pokémon up to Lv. 60 will obey you. He says that he'll also give you a TM, but wants you to meet him at the end of Route 6 to collect it instead.

Gym #6 Mistralton City - Leader Skyla

Pokemon Black White Skyla Gym Leader Pokemon Black White Skyla Gym Leader

Leader: Skyla
Type Flying
Rewards: Jet Badge, TM62 - Acrobatics

#1 Swoobat


Type: psychic flying
Lv: 33
Ability: Unaware
Hold Item: N/A
Heart Stamp psychic
Amnesia psychic
Acrobatics flying
Assurance dark

#2 Unfezant


Type: normal flying
Lv: 33
Ability: Big Pecks
Hold Item: N/A
Quick Attack normal
Air Slash flying
Leer normal
Razor Wind normal

#3 Swanna


Type: water flying
Lv: 35
Ability: Keen Eye
Hold Item: N/A
Aqua Ring water
Aerial Ace flying
Air Slash flying
Bubblebeam water


Skyla uses a Lv. 33 Swoobat, a Lv. 33 Unfezant, and a Lv. 35 Swanna. Her Swanna could be tricky, but because of it's dual Water and Flying typing, you can probably OHKO with a solid Electric-type move. She also has two Hyper Potions that she'll use when she can.

Once you defeat Skyla you will be awarded the Jet Badge which means Pokémon up to Lv. 70 will now obey you. She'll also give you a copy of her favorite TM, TM62 - Acrobatics.

Gym #7 Icirrus City - Leader Brycen

Pokemon Black White Brycen Gym Leader Pokemon Black White Brycen Gym Leader

Leader: Brycen
Type Ice
Rewards: Freeze Badge, TM79 - Frost Breath

#1 Vanillish


Type: ice
Lv: 37
Ability: Ice Body
Hold Item: N/A
Mirror Shot steel
Acid Armor poison
Frost Breath ice
Astonish ghost

#2 Cryogonal


Type: ice
Lv: 37
Ability: Levitate
Hold Item: N/A
Reflect psychic
Aurora Beam ice
Frost Breath ice
Rapid Spin water

#3 Espathra


Type: psychic
Lv: 44
Ability: Opportunist
Hold Item: N/A
Psychic psychic
Quick Attack normal
Shadow Ball ghost


Brycen uses a Lv. 37 Vanillish, a Lv. 37 Cryogonal, and a Lv. 39 Beartic. The main things to be weary of in this battle are his ability to freeze you and confuse you with Beartic's Swagger. He also has two Hyper Potions he'll use if he can. Beyond that this is a pretty easy battle if you the type advantage, as his entire team is pure Ice-type.

After defeating Brycen you will get the Freeze Badge, which means that Pokémon up to Lv. 80 will obey you. He'll also give you his favorite, TM79 - Frost Breath.

Gym #8 Icirrus City - Leader Drayden or Iris

Pokemon Black White Drayden Gym Leader Pokemon Black White Iris Gym Leader

Leader: Drayden
Type Dragon
Rewards: Legend Badge, TM82 - Dragon Tail

#1 Fraxure


Type: dragon
Lv: 41
Ability: Rivalry
Hold Item: N/A
Dragon Dance dragon
Dragon Rage dragon
Dragon Tail dragon
Assurance ghost

#2 Druddigon


Type: dragon
Lv: 41
Ability: Rough Skin
Hold Item: N/A
Chip Away normal
Revenge fighting
Dragon Tail dragon
Night Slash dark

#3 Haxorus


Type: dragon
Lv: 43
Ability: Mold Breaker
Hold Item: N/A
Dragon Dance dragon
Slash normal
Dragon Tail dragon
Assurance ghost

Leader: Iris
Type Dragon
Rewards: Legend Badge, TM82 - Dragon Tail

#1 Fraxure


Type: dragon
Lv: 41
Ability: Rivalry
Hold Item: N/A
Dragon Dance dragon
Dragon Rage dragon
Dragon Tail dragon
Assurance ghost

#2 Druddigon


Type: dragon
Lv: 41
Ability: Sheer Force
Hold Item: N/A
Chip Away normal
Revenge fighting
Dragon Tail dragon
Night Slash dark

#3 Haxorus


Type: dragon
Lv: 43
Ability: Mold Breaker
Hold Item: N/A
Dragon Dance dragon
Slash normal
Dragon Tail dragon
Assurance ghost


You will either face Drayden (Black) or Iris (White) depending on the version of the game you are playing. Their teams are essentially the same either way, with the only differences being the gender and abilities of their Pokémon. They have a Lv. 41 Fraxure, a Lv. 41 Druddigon, and a Lv. 43 Haxorus. Be careful if you deal a lot of damage to Druddigon without killing it, as it can make you pay with the move Revenge. Combined with their two Hyper Potions, they can be tough if you aren't quite able to OHKO. Their Pokémon also know Dragon Dance, so they will be getting Attack and Speed buffs throughout.

After defeating Drayden or Iris you will receive the Legend Badge. This is the final gym badge, so all Pokémon will now obey you regardless of level or trade status! They will also reward you with their favorite TM82 - Dragon Tail.

Thanks for using our Pokémon Black White Gym Leaders guide!

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