Home > Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl > Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Gym Leaders
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Gym Leaders
Our Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Gym Leaders guide gives you all the information and strategy tips you need to defeat all 8 gym leaders in the Sinnoh region. It includes detailed information on a Gym Leader's team and strategy on how to defeat them. If you're looking for information on how to reach any of the eight gyms in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl or how to complete the puzzles in these gyms, check out our Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl Walkthrough.
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Gym Leaders
Gym #1 Oreburgh City Gym - Leader Roark

Oreburgh City Gym and its leader Roark specialize in Rock-type Pokémon. This gym is very straightforward, there is no gym puzzle to solve. There are two Rock-type trainers you can use to train here. Youngster Jonathan has a Lv. 10 Geodude and Youngster Darius has a Lv. 8 Geodude and a Lv. 8 Onix. Speak to the gym leader to start the battle.
Roark has a Lv. 12 Geodude, a Lv. 12 Onix, and a Lv. 14 Cranidos. If you have a Piplup or Turtwig that is Lv. 12 or above, this battle should be pretty easy with your type advantage. If you chose Chimchar, you'll want to teach it Rock Smash and may want the level to be a little higher.
When you are finished, Roark will give you the Coal Badge and five copies of TM76 - Stealth Rock, as well as some stickers. With the Coal Badge, you will now be able to use Rock Smash outside of battle via the Pokétch.
Gym #2 Eterna City Gym - Leader Gardenia

#1 Cherubi
Lv: 19
Ability: Chlorophyll
Hold Item: N/A
Grass Knot
Dazzling Gleam
#2 Turtwig
Lv: 19
Ability: Shell Armor
Hold Item: Miracle Seed
Grass Knot
Razor Leaf
Work Up
In this gym, you'll need to find and defeat all of other trainers in the gym before battling the Gym Leader, Gardenia. Each trainer in the gym is hidden behind a tree. The first is in the narrow area to the left of the leader's platform. The second is further down the path to the left past the boulders. The third is on the right side, hidden behind the three smaller trees. The fourth is at the end of the path to the right.
After defeating all four other trainers, you can battle the gym leader. If you have a Fire or Flying type above Lv. 20 you are probably ready for the battle. Gardenia has a Lv. 19 Cherubi, a Lv. 19 Turtwig, and a Lv. 22 Roserade. You'll want to be careful because her Pokémon are capable of both poisoning and paralyzing you.
After defeating Gardenia, you'll be rewarded with the Forest Badge, five copies of TM86 - Grass Knot, and Gardenia's stickers. Pokémon up to Lv. 30 will also obey you.
Gym #3 Veilstone Town - Leader Maylene

#1 Meditite
Lv: 27
Ability: Pure Power
Hold Item: Light Clay
Drain Punch
Light Screen
Bulk Up
#2 Machoke
Lv: 27
Ability: Guts
Hold Item: Expert Belt
Low Sweep
Rock Tomb
Knock Off
Veilstone City Gym specializes in Fighting-type Pokémon. So you'll want to bring some Psychic and Flying types with you. The puzzle for this gym is a little complex. You'll need to move sliding panels around (by pushing them from the side) to make a path forward to the gym leader. There are also four blackbelt trainers here that can mostly be avoided if you are careful, but serve as good training for the gym leader. You'll essentially need to line up the panels with the staircases in all three columns in order to clear the path down the middle. In general terms, you'll want to line up the right, left, middle, right, and middle in that order.
Maylene will use Fighting-type Pokémon of course. She has a Lv. 27 Meditite, a Lv. 27 Machoke, and a Lv. 30 Lucario. The Lucario can be quite tough, since it has the ability to boost it's attack and defense and then hit hard with Drain Punch. Because of his Steel typing, Flying and Psychic moves aren't super effective either, so if you have any Fire or Ground moves use those instead.
After winning the battle, you'll be awarded with the Cobble Badge. You'll also get five copies of TM60 - Drain Punch and some stickers that Maylene uses. You'll also be able to use the HM Fly outside of battle.
Gym #4 Pastoria City Gym - Leader Crasher Wake

#1 Gyarados
Lv: 27
Ability: Intimidate
Hold Item: Wide Lens
Ice Fang
This is a Water-type gym. As such, strong Grass and Electric types will serve you well. There is a puzzle in this gym that involves pressing buttons to raise the water level. Start by heading down the middle and then going left and pressing the yellow button. Then, head down to the lowest floor and head north until you reach a green button you can press. Then head down and left and you can press a blue button after battling a sailor.
Head down and to the right, battling another two trainers along the way. Head up and press the green button, then head down and press the yellow button in the corner. Continue up and left and then climb the two staircases to the blue button near the sailor. There is now a path to the right straight to the gym leader.
The gym leader is the Water-type specialist Crasher Wake. He has a Lv. 27 Gyarados, a Lv. 27 Quagsire, and a Lv. 30 Floatzel. His Pokémon are the same level as the previous gym, so this battle should be fairly easy. The main thing to note is that Electric-type moves will not affect Quagsire, as it is part Ground-type.
After winning the battle, you'll receive the Fen Badge. You'll also get five copies of TM55 - Brine and Crasher Wake's stickers. You can also now use the HM Defog outside of battle via your Pokétch.
Gym #5 Hearthome City Gym - Leader Fantina

#1 Drifblim
Lv: 32
Ability: Aftermath
Hold Item: Zoom Lens
Strength Sap
#2 Gengar
Lv: 34
Ability: Cursed Body
Hold Item: Colbur Berry
Shadow Claw
Sludge Bomb
Confuse Ray
Dazzling Gleam
Fantina and her gym specialize in Ghost-type Pokémon. Dark-types are your best bet, but other Ghost-type moves will also be super effective. The puzzle for this gym is actually just a series of basic math questions. If you get them all correct, you'll go directly to the gym leader. If you want some extra experience, you can get them wrong on purpose to battle some Ghost-type trainers. Here are the questions:
- 3 + 5 + 7 = 15 (right door)
- 12 + 28 = 40 (middle door)
- 3 x 13 = 39 (left door)
- First room's answer = 15 (right door)
Once you prove your math skills, you are ready to battle Fantina. She has a Lv. 32 Drifblim, a Lv. 34 Gengar, and a Lv. 36 Mismagius. Gengar's ability will disable the move you used to knock it out, so be careful about that. Otherwise the battle should be pretty manageable if your Pokémon are in the mid 30's levels with some Dark or Ghost-type moves.
As a reward for winning, you will receive the Relic Badge. It allows you to use Surf outside of battle. You will also get five copies of TM65 - Shadow Claw and Fantina's stickers.
Gym #6 Canalave City Gym - Leader Byron

#1 Bronzor
Lv: 36
Ability: Levitate
Hold Item: N/A
Flash Cannon
Trick Room
Confuse Ray
#2 Steelix
Lv: 36
Ability: Sturdy
Hold Item: Soft Sand
Gyro Ball
Thunder Fang
This is a Steel-type gym. This makes your typing even more important, since Steel has so many resistances. Fire-types are your best bet, but you'll also want some Water or Fighting-type moves for one of the leader's Pokémon. You'll probably want your Pokémon to be in the upper 30's range.
The puzzle in this gym is a series of rising platforms you'll need to navigate. Head left and defeat the trainer here. Then take the yellow platform furthest to the right. Follow this path down and right to the next platform. Take that down and battle the trainer. Head left to the next platform and then take the platform over the gap. Take the next platform up and then head up over the gap. Take on the trainer here and then take the two platforms right across the gaps. Defeat another trainer here then follow the path of the platforms. There will be another green-haired trainer, then follow the path to the red platform that takes you to the gym leader.
Byron is of course a Steel-type specialist. He has a Lv. 36 Bronzor, a Lv. 36 Steelix, and a Lv. 39 Bastiodon. His Bronzor knows Trick Room, which lets slower Pokémon move first. If you let him get this move off it will probably effect the rest of the battle. Steelix and Bastiodon have the Sturdy ability and can't be OHKO'd. He will also fully heal his Bastiodon multiple times with potions if you let him. Make sure to have a Water or Fighting-type move for Bastiodon as he is not weak to Fire.
After winning the battle, you'll get the Mine Badge. You can now use Strength outside of battle via the Pokétch. All traded Pokémon up to Lv. 70 will now obey you. You will also get five copies of TM91 - Flash Cannon and Byron's stickers.
Gym #7 Snowpoint City Gym - Leader Candice

#1 Snover
Lv: 38
Ability: Snow Warning
Hold Item: Icy Rock
Razor Leaf
Water Pulse
#2 Sneasel
Lv: 38
Ability: Pickpocket
Hold Item: Chople Berry
Metal Claw
Hone Claws
#3 Medicham
Lv: 40
Ability: Pure Power
Hold Item: Expert Belt
Ice Punch
Brick Break
Bulk Up
Rock Slide
The Snowpoint City Gym is an Ice-type gym. Fire and Rock-types are good choices to bring along. The puzzle in this gym revolves around the slippery floor and snowballs along the path. If you pick up enough speed you can blast through the snowballs and clear the way. The main objective is to clear a path straight down the middle so that you can slide to the gym leader. The trick is to line yourself up against the pads and snowballs on the far left and right side of the room and come in at the snowballs along the center aisle from the side with a lot of speed.
Once you reach the gym leader, you'll find out her name is Candice. She is an Ice-type specialist of course. She has a Lv. 38 Snover, a Lv. 38 Sneasel, a Lv. 40 Medicham, and a Lv. 42 Abomasnow. You'll want to watch out as Sneasel and Abomasnow both know Ground-type moves that are super effective against Fire-types. Keep in mind it will also be hailing for this entire battle.
After winning, you'll receive the Icicle Badge, which allows you to use the HM Rock Climb outside of battle. You'll also receive five copies of TM72 - Avalanche and Candice's stickers.
Gym #8 Sunyshore City Gym - Leader Volkner

#1 Raichu
Lv: 46
Ability: Static
Hold Item: Shuca Berry
Charge Beam
Volt Switch
#2 Ambipom
Lv: 47
Ability: Technician
Hold Item: Chople Berry
Double Hit
Last Resort
Fake Out
#3 Octillery
Lv: 47
Ability: Sniper
Hold Item: Expert Belt
Charge Beam
Aurora Beam
Focus Energy
Sunyshore is an Electric-type gym, although only 2/4 of the gym leader's Pokémon are actually Electric-type. However, they all have Electric moves so a Ground-type Pokémon will still suit you well. The puzzle for this gym involves rotating the gears so you can line up the paths and get across the gaps. Start by pressing the right button, then the left. Battle the trainer here and continue to the next room. In this room, hit the blue button three times and then take the path up the stairs on the left. Battle this trainer, then hit the blue switch and then the green switch. Battle another trainer and follow the path out of the room.
In this room, head onto the gear and press the red button. Then get on the gear to the left and press that red button. Head down and battle the trainer, then head up the stairs and battle the next trainer. Press the green button twice here, and then make your way to the blue button. After pressing it, head down the stairs on the right side of the room and battle the trainer. Continue down and press the red button on the right one time. You can then head back up the right side and make it to the gym leader.
The final gym leader is Volkner. He is an Electric-type specialist who has a Lv. 46 Raichu, a Lv. 47 Ambipom, a Lv. 47 Octillery, and a Lv. 49 Luxray. One of his main strategies is to send in the quick Raichu and then use Volt Switch to get damage in before retreating. He also has multiple Potions and Full Restores at his disposal that he will use.
After winning, you'll get the Beacon Badge, which lets you use the HM Waterfall. You'll also get 5 copies of TM57 - Charge Beam as well as Volkner's stickers.
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