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Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee Elite Four
Our Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee Elite Four guide gives you all the information and strategy tips you need to defeat all 4 Elite Four members and Champion in the Kanto region. It includes detailed information on the Elite Four member's team and strategy on how to defeat them. If you're looking for information on how to reach the Pokemon League in Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee, check out our Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee Walkthrough.
Let's Go Pikachu Eevee Elite Four
Elite Four #1 - Lorelei

Lorelei is the first of the four Elite Four members. She specializes in Ice types, but all of her Pokemon are some combination of Ice, Water, and Psychic. A strong Electric type is a safe bet, as you'll be safe from any of Lorelei's moves and be super effective against all her Pokemon except Jynx. Rock type moves are also super effective, but don't use a Rock type against any of her part Water Pokemon.
Elite Four #2 - Bruno

Bruno uses Fighting type Pokemon, except Onix, who is a Rock/Ground type. This makes the battle very straightforward, simply use a Psychic or Fairy type. Alakazam is always a great choice, known for being especially powerful in the Kanto region. The main thing to be weary of is Earthquake from a few of his Pokemon, which can do some massive damage.
Elite Four #3 - Agatha

Agatha is supposed to be the Ghost type Elite Four member, but the serious lack of Ghost types in Kanto mean that her only Ghost types are two Gengars. However, all of her Pokemon are at least partially Poison type, which is the main consideration for this battle. A lot of her Pokemon do know Ghost type moves, so it's probably still best to not use a Psychic type here. Ground is the clear choice, you'll have the type advantage against her entire team.
Elite Four #4 - Lance

Lance is considered to be a Dragon type master, despite only having one Dragon pokemon, Dragonite. Instead, most of his Pokemon physically resemble dragons. This means that they are almost all Flying type, something that you can use to your advantage. Electric type is the clear choice here, it's super effective against everything except Dragonite, where it's still normally effective.
Pokemon League Champion - Rival
Your Rival's final Pokemon will depend on the version of the game that you're playing. If you're playing Let's Go Pikachu, he'll have a Jolteon. If you're playing Let's Go Eevee, he'll have a Raichu.
After defeating each member of the Elite Four, your final battle will be with your rival. He uses a team of six Pokemon of all different types, so there's no use trying to get a type advantage here, you'll need a balanced team as well. His final team member will change depending on your version of the game: Jolteon for Let's Go Pikachu players and Raichu for Let's Go Eevee players.
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