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Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee Gym Leaders
Our Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee Gym Leaders guide gives you all the information and strategy tips you need to defeat all 8 gym leaders in the Kanto region. It includes detailed information on a Gym Leader's team and strategy on how to defeat them. If you're looking for information on how to reach any of the eight gyms in Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee or how to complete the puzzles in these gyms, check out our Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee Walkthrough.
Let's Go Pikachu Eevee Gym Leaders
Gym #1 Pewter City Gym - Leader Brock

The battle with Brock should be pretty straightforward. He might outlevel you if you haven't done any grinding at this point, although he will likely be the last gym leader to do so. You can easily overcome this with a Water or Grass type Pokemon that knows a STAB move. Both of Brock's pokemon are Rock and Ground type, meaning both Water and Grass type moves are 4x as effective.
Gym #2 Cerulean City Gym - Leader Misty

By the time you get to Misty, your Pokemon should be around her level if you have been fighting trainers and catching some Pokemon. Electric and Grass type moves will deal double damage to both of her Pokemon and she won't have any moves strong against them. Watch out for Confusion from Psyduck and being burned by Scald. If your partner is Pikachu, this battle is guranteed to be a piece of cake.
Gym #3 Vermillion City Gym - Leader Lt. Surge

Lt. Surge is the first Gym Leader to use three pokemon. They are all Electric, but Magnemite is also Steel type. If you have a Ground type Pokemon, this just means that you are now dealing 4x the damage. However, most types in the game do half damage against Steel, so watch out for that. If you're looking for a Ground type, you can always stop by the nearby Diglett's Cave. His signature Raichu is quick and powerful, but will be rendered basically useless against a Ground type.
Gym #4 Celadon City Gym - Leader Erika

Erika uses Grass type Pokemon. Fire and Ice types are both super effective, but aren't very common at this point in the game. Poison and Bug do a lot of damage against Grass and are readily available, but Weepinbell and Vileplume are part Poison, so they won't work well either. This leaves Flying as the go-to type for an advantage against Erika. All of her Pokemon know Mega Drain, so be prepared for them to be constantly healing themselves. You'll also have to watch out for the rather annoying Sleep Powder and Poison Jab, so it's a good idea to carry a couple Awakenings and Antidotes going into this battle.
Gym #5 Fuchsia City Gym - Leader Koga

Koga might be a little more difficult if you attempt him before Saffron City Gym. Otherwise, you should be overpowered at this point. He uses Poison type Pokemon. Ground types are traditionally good against Poison, but because Golbat is part Flying and Venomoth is part Bug, it's probably not the best option. Psychic moves are super effective against all his Pokemon, just watch out if your Pokemon is actually Psychic, as Leech Life and Bug Buzz will do a lot of damage.
Gym #6 Saffron City Gym - Leader Sabrina

The difficulty of this battle is partially determined by if you choose to defeat Koga first or not. Either way, Sabrina uses Psychic type Pokemon which are always rather deadly. Dark types can sweep the whole team, but are pretty hard to come by in Kanto. Bug type is the better choice then. Either way, Mr. Mime is part Fairy so that will make things more difficult, although he knows no Fairy type moves. Yawn and Ice Punch are also on the table for putting you to sleep or freezing your Pokemon, so come prepared.
Gym #7 Cinnabar Island Gym - Leader Blaine

Blaine is a true Fire type user, all four of his Pokemon are pure Fire type. This means Water is the clear choice, he won't have anything he can do about it. Just watch out to avoid being burned. His Pokemon aren't leveled much higher than the preivous gym either, so if you went out of your way to explore some other areas and leveled up a few times, this battle should be quite easy.
Gym #8 Viridian City Gym - Leader Giovanni

The final Gym Leader is Giovanni, who uses Ground type Pokemon. This means he won't be battling with his signature Persian. If you used a Water type to sweep Blaine's team, use the same one for Giovanni. He too can't contest it. Ice type also works well, so why not the Lapras you got from Silph Co? Only thing to look out for here is Nidoking, as he has the ability to poison.
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