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Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Mega Evolutions

Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Mega Stones

This is a Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Mega Evolutions guide as well as a Mega Stone Locations guide. You'll find the Mega Evolutions, type, ability, stone, stone location, and stats of each new Mega Evolution in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

Tips for collecting Mega Stones in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

  • Many stones require that the Delta Episode has been completed before the stones can be found. If you're having trouble finding a stone where we've described it, that's probably why. Check out our ORAS Walkthrough for help.
  • Having both the Mach and Acro bike at once will make collecting this stones easier. We've got a guide for Getting Both Bikes in ORAS as well.
  • Some of the returning stones, like the Lucarionite and Garchompite, are much easier to get in Pokémon X and Y. You can check out our XY Mega Evolutions for locations and transfer them over through normal trade.

New Mega Evolutions | Primal Reversions | Returning Mega Evolutions

New Mega Evolutions

Mega Sceptile

Type - Ability - Lightningrod
Stone - Sceptilite Location - Stone Salesmen Route 114; Route 120 (Starter)
HP - 70 Attack - 110 Defense - 75 Sp. Attack - 145 Sp. Defense - 85 Speed - 145

How to get Sceptilite in ORAS

Fly to Fallarbor Town and exit to Route 114 to the west. Speak to the old man sitting down here and select "Title: Withered Tree" to purchase a Sceptilite for pokedollar1,500. Alternatively, if Treeko was your starter, you'll get Sceptilite from Steven on Route 120 during the story.

Mega Swampert

Type - Ability - Swift Swim
Stone - Swampertite Location - Stone Salesmen Route 114; Route 120 (Starter)
HP - 100 Attack - 150 Defense - 110 Sp. Attack - 95 Sp. Defense - 110 Speed - 70

How to get Swampertite in ORAS

Fly to Fallarbor Town and exit to Route 114 to the west. Speak to the old man sitting down here and select "Title: Ebb Tide" to purchase a Swampertite for pokedollar1,500. Alternatively, if Mudkip was your starter, you'll get Swampertite from Steven on Route 120 during the story.

Mega Sableye

Type - Ability - Magic Bounce
Stone - Sablenite Location - Sootopolis City
HP - 50 Attack - 85 Defense - 125 Sp. Attack - 85 Sp. Defense - 115 Speed - 20

How to get Sablenite in ORAS

Fly to Sootopolis City and make your way to the Cave of Origin, but stop before the bridge preceding it. Head east and you'll see a sparkle in the patch of grass here. Examine it to get Sablenite.

Mega Altaria

Type - Ability - Pixilate
Stone - Altarianite Location - Lilycove City
HP - 75 Attack - 110 Defense - 110 Sp. Attack - 110 Sp. Defense - 105 Speed - 80

How to get Altarianite in ORAS

Fly to Lilycove City with an Altaria in your party. Speak to the man in front of the house directly east of the Pokémon Center and he'll give you Altarianite.

Mega Audino

Type - Ability - Healer
Stone - Audinite Location - Looker at Battle Resort
HP - 103 Attack - 60 Defense - 126 Sp. Attack - 80 Sp. Defense - 126 Speed - 50

How to get Audinite in ORAS

Fly to the Battle Resort and make your way east to be stopped by a cutscene of a man who doesn't know where he is. Respond "Hoenn" and then go on to visit him in his cabin (it's the northeast one on the dock with four cabins) to get Audinite.

Mega Beedrill

Type - Ability - Adaptability
Stone - Beedrillite Location - Sea Mauville
HP - 65 Attack - 150 Defense - 40 Sp. Attack - 15 Sp. Defense - 80 Speed - 145

How to get Beedrillite in ORAS

Fly to Sea Mauville and make your way to the storage room (must collect all the keys and complete the sidequest). To the south of the crates is a sparkle on the ground: Beedrillite.

Mega Camerupt

Type - Ability - Sheer Force
Stone - Cameruptite Location - Magma Hideout; Battle Resort (Alpha Sapphire)
HP - 70 Attack - 120 Defense - 100 Sp. Attack - 145 Sp. Defense - 105 Speed - 20

How to get Cameruptite in ORAS

In Alpha Sapphire, you'll get Cameruptite from a Team Aqua member the first time you visit the Battle Resort. In Omega Ruby, fly to Lilycove City and enter the Magma Base. Navigate through the portal to the room that you find Zinnia and Maxie in (you'll need to do all this in the Delta Episode). You'll get a Cameruptite from this interaction.

Mega Gallade

Type - Ability - Inner Focus
Stone - Galladite Location - Delta Episode (Professor Cozmo)
HP - 68 Attack - 165 Defense - 95 Sp. Attack - 65 Sp. Defense - 115 Speed - 110

How to get Galladite in ORAS

Fly to Fallarbor Town and enter the house west of the Pokémart. Speak to Professor Cosmo and he'll give you Galladite.

Mega Glalie

Type - Ability - Refrigerate
Stone - Glalitite Location - Shoal Cave
HP - 80 Attack - 120 Defense - 80 Sp. Attack - 120 Sp. Defense - 80 Speed - 100

How to get Glalitite in ORAS

Fly to Shoal Cave during low tide (3-9 A.M. and 3-9 P.M.) and navigate your way to the basement that is covered in a layer of ice (take the first two cave entrances and climb up the dirt slope), you'll need the Mach Bike to do so. Follow the path in the ice until the first mini-staircase and go up it. The sparkle for Galitite is hard to see against the light blue, but it's up there.

Mega Latias/Latios

Type - Ability - Levitate
Stone - LatiasiteLatiosite Location - Littleroot Town
HP - 80 Attack - 100 Defense - 120 Sp. Attack - 140 Sp. Defense - 150 Speed - 110
HP - 80 Attack - 130 Defense - 100 Sp. Attack - 160 Sp. Defense - 120 Speed - 110

How to get Latiasite in ORAS

In Alpha Sapphire, you'll receive the Latiosite during the story when you get Latios after the 5th gym. In Omega Ruby, speak to your mother after she's already finished talking to you at the start of the delta episode.

How to get Latiosite in ORAS

In Omega Ruby, you'll receive the Latiosite during the story when you get Latios after the 5th gym. In Alpha Sapphire, speak to your mother after she's already finished talking to you at the start of the delta episode.

Mega Lopunny

Type - Ability - Scrappy
Stone - Lopunnite Location - Mauville City
HP - 65 Attack - 136 Defense - 94 Sp. Attack - 54 Sp. Defense - 96 Speed - 135

How to get Lopunnite in ORAS

Fly to Mauville City and head up a floor to Mauville Hills (you'll first need to complete the sidequest to open this up by speaking to Wattson in Mauville) and head to the eastern hallway. Speak to the well dressed man here. After he leaves to talk to another man, simply re-enter this hallway from another room and speak to him again to get a Lopunnite.

Mega Metagross

Type - Ability - Tough Claws
Stone - Metagrossite Location - Steven, Pokémon League
HP - 80 Attack - 145 Defense - 150 Sp. Attack - 105 Sp. Defense - 110 Speed - 110

How to get Metagrossite in ORAS

Fly to the Pokémon League and defeat the Elite Four a second time and Steven will give you a Metagrossite. Alternatively, you could have gotten one with a Shiny Metagross during a launch event.

Mega Pidgeot

Type - Ability - No Guard
Stone - Pidgeotite Location - Rustboro City
HP - 83 Attack - 80 Defense - 80 Sp. Attack - 135 Sp. Defense - 80 Speed - 121

How to get Pidgeotite in ORAS

Fly to Verdanturf Town and speak to the little girl near the southern houses. Examine the town sign in front of the Pokémon Center to find her lost Shroomish. The girl will then give you the Intriguing Stone. Fly to Rustboro City and enter the Devon Building. Speak to Mr. Stone on the top floor and he'll identify your stone as a Pidgeotite.

Mega Rayquaza

Type - Ability - Delta Stream
Stone - Meteorite Location - Sky Pillar
HP - 105 Attack - 180 Defense - 100 Sp. Attack - 180 Sp. Defense - 100 Speed - 115

How to get Meteorite in ORAS

You'll get the Meteorite during the story at Mt. Chimney.

Mega Salamence

Type - Ability - Aerilate
Stone - Salamencite Location - Meteor Falls
HP - 95 Attack - 145 Defense - 130 Sp. Attack - 120 Sp. Defense - 90 Speed - 120

How to get Salamencite in ORAS

Fly to Meteor Falls and enter the cave. Speak to the first old woman you come across and she will give you a Salamencite.

Mega Sharpedo

Type - Ability - Strong Jaw
Stone - Sharpedonite Location - Aqua Hideout; Battle Resort (Omega Ruby)
HP - 70 Attack - 140 Defense - 70 Sp. Attack - 110 Sp. Defense - 65 Speed - 105

How to get Sharpedonite in ORAS

In Omega Ruby, you'll get Sharpedonite from a Team Magma member the first time you visit the Battle Resort. In Alpha Sapphire, fly to Lilycove City and enter the Aqua Base. Navigate through the portal to the room that you find Zinnia and Archie in (you'll need to do all this in the Delta Episode). You'll get a Sharpedonite from this interaction.

Mega Slowbro

Type - Ability - Shell Armor
Stone - Slowbronite Location - Shoal Cave
HP - 95 Attack - 75 Defense - 180 Sp. Attack - 130 Sp. Defense - 80 Speed - 30

How to get Slowbronite in ORAS

Fly to Shoal Cave and speak to the first old man you come across. He'll ask you to gather Shoal Salt and Shoal Shells for him. You'll need to collect 4 Shoal Salt during low tide hours (3-9 A.M. and 3-9 P.M.) and 4 Shoal Shells during high tide hours (9 A.M.-3 P.M. and 9 P.M.-3 A.M.). Speak to the Old Man again and he'll make you a Shell Bell. He'll also give you Slowbronite.

Mega Steelix

Type - Ability - Sand Force
Stone - Steelixite Location - Granite Cave
HP - 75 Attack - 125 Defense - 230 Sp. Attack - 55 Sp. Defense - 95 Speed - 30

How to get Steelixite in ORAS

Fly to Dewford Town and enter Granite Cave. Using the Mach Bike, climb up the slope to the west and go down a floor. Ride up the slopes and navigate down another floor on the east side of the room. Go to the west side of this room and climb up two platforms and you'll find Steelixite on the cave floor in the form of a sparkle.

Mega Diancie

Type - Ability - Magic Bounce
Stone - Diancite Location - Any Pokémon Center
HP - 50 Attack - 160 Defense - 110 Sp. Attack - 160 Sp. Defense - 110 Speed - 110

How to get Diancite in ORAS

Diancite was only available through a Gamestop distribution event with Diancie in the U.S.

Primal Reversions

Primal Groudon

Type - Ability - Desolate Land
Stone - Red Orb Location - Groudon; Mt. Pyre (Alpha Sapphire)
HP - 100 Attack - 180 Defense - 160 Sp. Attack - 150 Sp. Defense - 90 Speed - 90

How to get Red Orb in ORAS

You'll receive the Red Orb during the story at Mt. Pyre in Omega Ruby version.

Primal Kyogre

Type - Ability - Primordial Sea
Stone - Blue Orb Location - Kyogre; Mt. Pyre (Omega Ruby)
HP - 100 Attack - 150 Defense - 90 Sp. Attack - 180 Sp. Defense - 160 Speed - 90

How to get Blue Orb in ORAS

You'll receive the Blue Orb during the story at Mt. Pyre in Alpha Sapphire version.

Returning Mega Evolutions

The Mega Evolutions that were introduced in Pokemon X and Y each have a Mega Stone that can be found in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. Below you'll find details on how to get the stone in Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire, visit the Pokemon X and Y Mega Evolutions page for full information including stats, abilities, X & Y locations, and artwork.

Click on the name of a stone for a detailed description of how to get it.

Sprite Pokemon Stone
Mega Venusaur Venusaurite
Mega Charizard X Charizardite X
Mega Charizard Y Charizardite Y
Mega Blastoise Blastoisinite
Mega Gengar Gengarite
Mega Aerodactyl Aerodactylite
Mega Ampharos Ampharosite
Mega Blaziken Blazikenite
Mega Lucario Lucarionite
Mega Abomasnow Abomasite
Mega Mewtwo X Mewtwonite X
Mega Mewtwo Y Mewtwonite Y
Mega Gardevoir Gardevoirite
Mega Absol Absolite
Mega Alakazam Alakazite
Mega Kangaskhan Kangaskhanite
Mega Pinsir Pinsirite
Mega Heracross Heracronite
Mega Gyarados Gyaradosite
Mega Scizor Scizorite
Mega Tyranitar Tyranitarite
Mega Aggron Aggronite
Mega Manectric Manectite
Mega Houndoom Houndoomite
Mega Mawile Mawilite
Mega Medicham Medichamite
Mega Banette Banetite
Mega Garchomp Garchompite

How to get Venusaurite in ORAS

Fly to Route 119 and continue south past the bridges until you reach a building. Just south of this building is a sparkle on the ground next to the tall grass. Pick up the Venusaurite.

How to get Charizardite X in ORAS

Fly to the Fiery Path and enter the cave. Use strength on the boulders to the west and take the southern path. You'll find a sparkle on the cave floor in this little alcove; pick up your Charizardite X.

How to get Charizardite Y in ORAS

Fly to Fortree City and then exit it to the east. Head down the first staircase and surf to the south. Enter the cave on the water, this is the Scorched Slab. Go down the first floor and head east to go down a second floor. Navigate as far west as possible and you'll find Charizardite Y in the form of a sparkle on the ground in the area to the south.

How to get Blastoisinite in ORAS

Fly to Slateport and get aboard the S.S. Tidal. to "Lilycove City". Head west on the boat to the outer deck. There will be a sparkle on the deck to the north that you can interact with for Blastoisinite. Sleep in your cabin (it's the second from the left on the top row) to get off the ship.

How to get Gengarite in ORAS

Fly to the Battle Resort and head west on the beach until you reach a cabin. Enter it and you'll find a sparkle on the floor. Interact with the sparkle to get a Gengarite.

How to get Aerodactylite in ORAS

Fly to Meteor Falls and enter the cave. Go down the staircase and use Waterfall on the large central falls, then enter the cave opening. Go down a floor using the ladder to the east. Take the western-most ladder and then take the stairs to the north. Hop down the cliffs cascading with water until you reach the sparkle on the ground next to two pointy rocks. Pick up your Aerodactylite here.

How to get Ampharosite in ORAS

Fly to New Mauville (you must first complete the sidequest that allows you entrance with Wattson in Mauville) and enter the building. Head to the very north and you'll find Ampharosite as a sparkle on the ground.

How to get Blazikenite in ORAS

Fly to Fallarbor Town and exit to Route 114 to the west. Speak to the old man sitting down here and select "Title: Fading Fire" to purchase a Blazikenite for pokedollar1,500. Alternatively, if Torchic was your starter, you'll get Blazikenite from Steven on Route 120 during the story.

How to get Lucarionite in ORAS

You'll need to defeat Lissia in a Master Rank contest (Fly to Lilycove City and enter the Contset Hall) and you'll be be awarded with Lucarionite.

How to get Abomasite in ORAS

Fly to Route 123 and scale up the staircase to the north. Continue to the very north of this screen and you'll find the sparkle on the grass that is Abomasite.

How to get Mewtwonite X in ORAS

Fly to Littleroot Town and make your way to the southwest corner. You'll find Mewtwonite X as a sparkle on the grass here.

How to get Mewtwonite Y in ORAS

Fly to the Pokémon League and you'll find a sparkle on the ground right in front of the building that is Mewtwonite Y.

How to get Gardevoirite in ORAS

Fly to Verandurf Town and enter the center house in the southern section of town. Speak to Wanda and she'll give you Gardevoirite.

How to get Absolite in ORAS

Fly to the Safari Zone and enter the main area. Head to the west as far as you can and use your Acro Bike to hop up the stumps on the cliff. Follow the beams on the west and you'll see sparkle on the next cliff you get to; it's Absolite.

How to get Alakazite in ORAS

Fly to Slateport City and enter the market. Make your way to the southwest corner and you'll see the sparkle that is Alakazite.

How to get Kangaskhanite in ORAS

Fly to Pacifidlog town and surf off the dock and get back on behind the sign that describes the town. Kangaskhanite will be here in the form of a sparkle on the ground.

How to get Pinsirite in ORAS

Fly to Route 124 and surf west past the two trainers. Use dive on the dark spot of water and emerge where the light filters through on the other side. Surf to the small island where you;ll find Pinsirite in the form of a sparkle.

How to get Heracronite in ORAS

Fly to Route 127 and surf to the east until you come to the island with two fisherman. Surf south from here and enter the narrow waterway. You'll see Heracronite in the form of a sparkle on the beach.

How to get Gyradosite in ORAS

Fly to Mt. Pyre and surf south to Route 123. You'll need to use cut on a tree to the west and continue following this narrow path using cut. Jump down the ledges while staying as far north as possible and you'll come across a building. Enter it and scratch the Poochyena here to get Gyradosite.

How to get Scizorite in ORAS

Fly to Petalburg Woods and make your way to the northeast. Use cut on the tree here and continue east to find Scizorite in the form of a sparkle on the grass.

How to get Tyranitarite in ORAS

Fly to Jagged Pass and descend straight down the mountain until you come across a large patch of grass with a little girl in pink to the west. Head est from here and you'll find a sparkle on the ground, Tyranitarite, to the east of a rectangular patch of grass.

How to get Aggronite in ORAS

Fly to Verdanturf Town and enter Rusturf Tunnel. Speak to Wanda (the girl by the rocks) while equipped with a Pokémon that knows Rock Smash and her boyfriend will give you Aggronite after you break the rocks to reunite them.

How to get Manectite in ORAS

Fly to Route 110 and enter the Cycling Road lobby. Continue east on the grass before going onto the road itself and you'll find Manectite as a sparkle on the ground in the narrow passage.

How to get Houndoominite in ORAS

Fly to Lavaridge Town and you'll find a sparkle on the ground south of the hot springs. Pick it up for Houndoominite.

How to get Mawilite in ORAS

Fly to Verdanturf Town and enter the first flower patch east of the town. Exit the patch through the south gate and go west to find a sparkle on the ground: Mawilite.

How to get Medichamite in ORAS

Fly to Mt. Pyre and navigate to the top floor of the building. Medichamite will be a sparkle on the ground to the right of the large tombstone.

How to get Banetite in ORAS

Fly to Mt. Pyre and make your way to the summit. Take the first right on the final screen and you'll see Banetite in the form of a sparkle on the ground.

How to get Garchompite in ORAS

Fly to Fortree City and enter the Secret Base Guilde. The Garchompite will become available to you after you collect 1,000 secret base flags.

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