Home > Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough > Part 2: Eterna Gym
Part 2: Eterna Gym
Oreburgh Gate
After finishing up in Oreburgh, proceed back into the Oreburgh Gate where you came from. But, rather than going left, go up and use your newfound Rock Smash HM to clear the way. Head down the stairs and go up and around to acquire the TM for flash.
Next, work your way left to acquire a Big Pearl. After that adventure, backtrack to the main Oreburgh Gate room and return to the left and Route 203. Our destination is Jubilife City.
Return to Jubilife
After re-entering Jubilife, you will receive some lengthy exposition from Looker. After that, heal up your Pokemon and head north`. Here, you will battle two Team Galactic trainers on behalf of Professor Rowan.
After this fight and the acquisition of some new items, continue north.
Route 204
There are many trainer battles on Route 204, but Jubilife is also very close so you can go back and forth to the Pokemon Center until the route is clear. Eventually, you’ll find yourself at a cave entrance where a youngster will explain that Rock Smash is required to progress.
Follow his advice as you proceed through the cave, smashing all the boulders in your way. There is a TM39 Rock Tomb here in the top left that is easy to get. Proceed to the right and out through the exit located here. This lands you on the other side of Route 204. Proceed north, taking out trainers in both single and double battles.
On the far left, beneath the entrance to Floaroma Town is the TM for Bullet Seed. Enter the city and heal up your Pokemon. Your ability to progress is hindered by two Team Galactic Grunts, but they won’t battle you so head out of the city to the right.
Road to the Windworks
After some berries and a brief introduction to the ongoing conflict at the windworks, you will spot a Team Galactic Grunt guarding the entrance to the titular building. Take him out, and follow his directions to head back to Floaroma Town.
The area that was blocked by grunts in the top left of the town is now open, so head inside and defeat the two rabble rousers to progress the plot. After that, head back to the windworks.
Valley Windworks
The Windworks is a very small installation, consisting of only 2 trainers, one of which is skippable, and the commander bossfight. Commander Mars has 2 Pokemon, a level 15 Zubat and a level 17 Purugly. These Pokemon will be mainstays for Team Galactic.
After properly concluding the Windworks with Looker, head back to Floaroma Town and heal up your Pokemon. For the next section, it’s recommended to have some antidotes and potions.
Route 205 and Eterna Forest
Route 205 connects Floaroma Town to Eterna Forest. Head progressively north, tackling trainers along the way, until you make it to Eterna Forest. Enter, and pick up Cheryl who will assist you by joining you in double battles on your journey.
The exit to Eterna Forest is far to the right of where you begin, and the multiple trainers and bushes are home to loads of bug and grass Pokemon. Once you make it to the forest's conclusion, Cheryl will thank you and continue forward.
Keep walking to the right and pick up the berries in the loamy soil along the northern path of the route. The southern path is home to 4 fishermen who can be fought for experience. When you’re ready, enter Eterna City.
Eterna City
Proceed to the path above the Pokemon Center, where Barry will run into you and show you the statue that sits on a hill above the city. After he leaves, Cynthia will appear in a similar location and give you the HM for Cut. The house to the right of the Pokemon Center has the beginning item for entering the underground. When you’re ready, enter the gym.
Gym #2 Eterna Gym - Leader Gardenia

#1 Turtwig
Lv: 20
Ability: Overgrow
Hold Item: N/A
Grass Knot
Razor Leaf
Sunny Day
#2 Cherrim
Lv: 20
Ability: Flower Gift
Hold Item: N/A
Grass Knot
Magical Leaf
Leech Seed
Eterna Gym is Grass type, and there's two trainers you must face before the gym leader using the central flower feature. If you picked Chimchar now is your time to shine. A properly trained fire or bug type Pokemon will easily waltz through this gym, though Roserade is the toughest challenge up to this point.
Gardenia will give you the Forest Badge and TM86 - Grass Knot upon admitting defeat. You'll now also be able to use Cut outside of battle.
Back to Oreburgh Gym Continue to Hearthome Gym