Home > Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough > Part 3: Hearthome Gym
Part 3: Hearthome Gym
Team Galactic Eterna Building
Our progression is blocked by a lack of a bicycle, requiring us to free the owner of the bicycle shop from Team Galactic. At the northern end of Eterna City you'll find the Team Galactic building, though on your way you'll likely be stopped by your rival, Cyrus, and Cynthia. Cynthia will gift you the HM 01 - Cut that will allow you to enter the building through the front door.
The Team Galactic building is arranged in staircases, only one of which leads forward. There are items down the paths that aren't correct, so they may be worth ascending anyway. The path to advance the plot is right, left, left. Once you reach the top, talk to the pink haired woman to initiate a battle. Winning the battle will open up the bike shop.
We have some key items to collect. Go to the bike shop to receive your bicycle, and you can open your bag to assign it to a quick key. Cynthia will also gift you a Togepi egg on the way. After that, go to the house immediately north of the bike shop and speak to the old man there. He will gift you the Explorer Kit. This grants you access to the underground minigame.
Route 206
After collecting your key items, exit the city via the south gate. The lady there will stop you if you don't have a bike, but if you do you can descend down the bike path. If you release your movement buttons here the game will automatically move you southward. There are trainers up and down this path, which can net some experience for the upcoming gym.
Route 207 & Mt. Coronet
After exiting the bike path, continue south. Route 207 leads south and east into Mt. Coronet and is dotted with trainers that prefer rock-type pokemon. Once you make it to Mt. Coronet, May will stop you and gift you another two key items, the vs. Finder and the Dowsing Machine. You can use the vs. Finder to rematch trainers you've already fought, granting you a semi-permanent means of gaining money and exp. The Dowsing Machine is an app that encompasses the bottom screen of the DS, allowing you to find hidden items. Once you're ready and acquainted with your new gear, head into Mt. Coronet.
We will be returning here much later, but for now Mt. Coronet forms a pathway from east to west that is necessary to reach the next gym. After listening to Cyrus, continue east and exit the cave.
Route 208
Route 208 is another straight shot that we need to pass through to reach Hearthome City. Along the way you can find trainers specializing in rock-type pokemon, an NPC who will gift you a berry periodically throughout the game, and items on the ground that can be reached via rock smash. A man on the southern end of the route will gift you the Odd Keystone, an essential item to completing the Pokedex later, should you want to do that. Regardless of your level of thoroughness, Hearthome City lies to the east, so head in that direction.
Hearthome City
Hearthome City is a brief stop with a gym that we need to conquer. But, first head to the north-center of the city. There you will find a large circular building. The gym leader is currently there, so head inside and listen to the dialogue between your mother and her friend. The gym leader is the pink haired NPC on the right side of the lobby. Talking to her will open up the gym, so when you're ready, head there next!
Gym #3 Hearthome Gym - Leader Fantina

#1 Duskull
Lv: 24
Ability: Levitate
Hold Item: N/A
Future Sight
Shadow Sneak
#2 Haunter
Lv: 24
Ability: Levitate
Hold Item: N/A
Shadow Claw
Sucker Punch
Confuse Ray
Hearthome Gym is focused around Ghost type. We strongly recommend avoiding any ground-type moves as all three of her Pokemon have the ability Levitate. Dark is the strongest type against Ghost, though you may also see success bringing a strongly leveled Ghost-type, as this type is weak against itself. The biggest threat is Mismagius, whose broad coverage of types in her moveset makes it difficult to be totally safe. She has a sitrus berry to heal herself after losing a certain amount of HP.
Fantina will give you the Relic Badge and TM65 - Shadow Claw upon admitting defeat. You'll now also be able to use Defog outside of battle.