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Pokemon Platinum Gym Leaders
Gym #1 Oreburgh City - Leader Roark

Oreburgh Gym is Rock type, and there's two trainers you can face before the gym leader. If you haven't been training your Pokémon outside of trainer battles, you'll probably need to do that before defeating this gym leader, depending on what type of starter you have. If you picked Chimchar you may struggle to defeat Roark, but there are plenty of Pokemon that can learn grass or fighting type moves, including Rock Smash which you are guaranteed to have at this point in the game.
Roark will give you the Coal Badge and TM76 - Stealth Rock upon admitting defeat. You'll now also be able to use Rock Smash outside of battle.
Gym #2 Eterna Gym - Leader Gardenia

#1 Turtwig
Lv: 20
Ability: Overgrow
Hold Item: N/A
Grass Knot
Razor Leaf
Sunny Day
#2 Cherrim
Lv: 20
Ability: Flower Gift
Hold Item: N/A
Grass Knot
Magical Leaf
Leech Seed
Eterna Gym is Grass type, and there's two trainers you must face before the gym leader using the central flower feature. If you picked Chimchar now is your time to shine. A properly trained fire or bug type Pokemon will easily waltz through this gym, though Roserade is the toughest challenge up to this point.
Gardenia will give you the Forest Badge and TM86 - Grass Knot upon admitting defeat. You'll now also be able to use Cut outside of battle.
Gym #3 Hearthome City - Leader Fantina

#1 Duskull
Lv: 24
Ability: Levitate
Hold Item: N/A
Shadow Sneak
Future Sight
#2 Haunter
Lv: 24
Ability: Levitate
Hold Item: N/A
Confuse Ray
Shadow Claw
Sucker Punch
Hearthome Gym is Ghost type, meaning that only ghost types and dark types will do super effective damage. Keep this in mind, as you will have likely encountered many pokemon with Bite or Crunch, and they will be your best friend here. The trainers leading up to Fantina will be hidden in the dark for you to defeat, and have the same weaknesses that she does. By far her most powerful pokemon is Mismagius, boasting the highest level and stats, as well as great coverage with Psybeam, Magical Leaf, and Shadow Ball. Don't try to use ground-type moves here, as even Haunter (with a theoretical weakness to ground due to his secondary typing) has levitate, making that type functionally useless. Keep your health up, train your pokemon, and this gym will go down easily!
Gardenia will give you the Relic Badge and TM65 - Shadow Claw upon admitting defeat. You'll `now also be able to use Defog outside of battle.