Home > Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Walkthrough > Mossdeep Gym
Mossdeep Gym
Route 120
Head east of Fortree City onto Route 120. If you try and take the stairs down to the water you'll be stopped by an invisible force, so use the Devon Scope to reveal a Kecleon. After defeating or catching it, pick up the Nest Ball by the water. Surf to the south and enter the cave, Scorched Slab. Inside is TM11 - Sunny Day. Return to shore and use cut on the two trees directly north. Follow this small path in the underbrush and you'll come across a hidden Rare Candy. There's another chance to be interviewed and a spot for a Secret Base as well as two trainers in the northern section here. After you cross the bridge it'll start raining and there will be an open area with four more trainers. You can use cut on the tree to the east to grab 6 Aspear Berries.
Continue south through the maze of long grass. There's a few trainers to battle here as well as a Nugget. Keep moving south and you'll cross another bridge before finding a Hyper Potion. Defeat the trainer and talk to the girl and give her a positive response to receive a Figy Berry, and then grab the 6 Pecha Berries. A bit to the north are 3 Razz, Nanab, Pinap, and Wepear Berries as well as two trainers (a Ninja and a Rock Climber). Surf across the water to find a Full Heal. Return to the intersection and head east onto Route 121.
Route 121
There's one trainer and another array of berries, this time 2 Persim, Aspear, Rawst, and Chesto Berries. Continue east and defeat one more trainer before catching a glimpse of Team Magma/Aqua shouting out their secret plan to relocate to Mr. Pyre. Use cut on the tree (or go around through the tall grass) to get to the entrance of the Safari Zone. You can catch a lot of rare Pokémon here, so do so if you don't have a full team yet. To the east is a set of twins for a double-battle. Continue through the fenced maze and defeat the two trainers and pick up a Carbos and a hidden Full Heal and Nugget, as well as 6 Pinap Berries.
Lilycove City
Lilycove is one of the largest cities in Hoenn. It features a Megamart, a Museum, a Motel, a Contest House, and a Harbour. After healing, travel to the northeastern-most part of town and talk to the old man for an Aspear Berry. Hop down the ledge from him and enter the house to get TM44 - Rest. Continue south and examine all the rocks on the beach to pick up a PP Up, a Pokéball, and a Heart Scale. Make sure to also grab the Max Repel from the southeast corner of town. Back north, the house east of the Megamart is the Move Deleter's home, talk to him if you want to get rid of any HM moves on your Pokémon. Finally, talk to your rival in front of the Megamart and defeat him/her in battle. May/Brendan shouldn't put up much of a challenge this time, so feel free to enter the Megamart and shop to your heart's content. There's lots of cool things here, including TMs, Stat boosters, and Secret Base decorations. There's nothing left to do in Lilycove, so head back to the pier below the Safari Zone.
Mt. Pyre
Surf south onto Route 122 and dock on the center island, then enter the cave. The cave is actually a building, Mt. Pyre. You'll encounter wild Pokémon inside the building on each floor. Speak to the old lady on the first floor to obtain a Cleanse Tag, then climb the stairs.
You'll find a trainer, a double-battle, and one Ultra Ball on the second floor. On the third floor, there's two more trainers and a Super Repel for you to pick-up. There's one trainer each on the fourth and fifth floors. On the top (sixth) floor, there's one more trainer and TM30 - Shadow Ball. Drop down the hole to grab a Lax Incense on the 5th floor, and a Sea Incense on the fourth floor (lower hole). Once you've made your way back down, take the west exit outside.
Begin scaling the mountain and pick up TMM48 - Skill Swap from the ledge. A mist will set in and you can grab a Max Potion. You can also get an Ultra Ball and a Max Ether from the golden gravestones.
Make sure to stay to the right in the next area so the Team Aqua/Magma grunt will move far enough for you to access the area he's guarding when he notices you. Defeat him and examine the southwest gravestone for a Zinc. Continue to defeat the Aqua/Magma grunts and once you reach the top you'll find that Archie/Maxie has gotten a hold of either the Blue or Red Orb. The old lady here will give you the Red Orb in Ruby or the Blue Orb in Sapphire after Team Aqua/Magma flees. You can talk to the old man here to learn a bit more about the Red and Blue Orbs. Scale back down Mt. Pyre and surf south.
Route 123
Grab the 2 Sitrus, Pecha, and Rawst Berries from the soil patch here. If you have a grass Pokémon in your party and talk to the girl she'll give you TM19 - Giga Drain. Using cut on the trees will lead you to 4 Leppa Berries and an Elixir. Be careful with the ledges here, you won't be able to climb back up once you jump down. There's a few trainers to fight here as well as a few hidden items to collect. This path eventually leads to the Berry Master's house. From here, fly to Slateport City and make your way to the harbor. Captain Stern is being filmed by a T.V. crew here. Team Magma/Aqua soon steps in and steals his submarine, but not before letting you know they'll be in Lilycove city. Fly there when you're ready.
Team Magma/Aqua Hideout
After arriving in Lilycove, follow the path of Magma/Aqua grunts to their hideout, it's just east of Lilycove, simply surf to the cave entrance. The interior of the villainous teams' hideouts are different depending on your game version, so find the guide you need below.
Team Magma Hideout
(Don't miss this! It will catch any Pokémon without fail and it's the only one available!)
Team Aqua Hideout
(Don't miss this! It will catch any Pokémon without fail and it's the only one available!)
Route 124 & Mossdeep City
Now that you've dealt with Team Aqua/Magma once again, the path east is no longer blocked by a Wailmer. Simply surf east and you'll very quickly arrive in Mossdeep City. You can stop by the Hunter's House on an island along the way to exchange any color shards you might have for evolutionary stones.
- Green Shard
trades for
Leaf Stone
- Red Shard
trades for
Fire Stone
- Blue Shard
trades for
Water Stone
- Yellow Shard
trades for
Thunder Stone
After arriving in Mossdeep City and healing up, check out the house west of the Pokémon Center. The little boy here will tell you where your secret base is if you ever forget. Enter the house directly north of this and Steven will greet you and give you HM08 - Dive. Talk to the man walking around here and he'll give you his gift from Steven, a King's Rock. Pick up the Nest Ball to the southeast. Head to the northernmost home in Mossdeep and talk to the fisherman there and he'll give you his Super Rod. Finally, enter the Mossdeep Space Center and talk to the sailor to get a Sun Stone. Heal up and head for Mossdeep Gym when you're ready.
Mossdeep Gym
Gym #7 Mossdeep Gym - Leaders Tate & Liza
#1 Lunatone
Lv: 42
Ability: Levitate
Hold Item: N/A
Light Screen
Calm Mind
Mossdeep Gym Leaders Tate and Liza specialize in Psychic type Pokémon, although the unique dual-typing, moveset, and abilities of Lunatone and Solrock make it very hard to gain any sort of type advantage over them; Water and Ghost will be your best bets. Navigating the gym can be tricky, you'll need to take the directional moving paths and hit switches along the way. Use the map above and follow the numerical directions for the easiest route.
For the first time in the series, there's actually two gym leaders. You'll fight both of them at once in a 2 vs. 2 double battle. This battle is fairly difficult, you'll need to watch out for Lunatone's Hypnosis and the multiple Hyper Potions that will be used just when you think you've won. We recommend a Pokémon that knows Surf, as you'll have the type advantage and be able to attack both Pokémon at once (although Sunny Day does reduce the effectiveness of Water attacks). As long as you've trained your Pokémon well enough, you should be able to defeat Tate & Liza.
You'll get the Mind Badge and TM04 - Calm Mind for winning. The Mind Badge raises the Special Attack and Special Defense of all of your Pokémon and allows you to use HM08 - Dive outside of battle.
Back to Fortree Gym Continue to Sootopolis Gym