Home > Pokemon Scarlet and Violet > Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gym Leaders
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gym Leaders
In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, there are three major storylines that serve as the objectives of the game. One of them is known as Victory Road. This objective aligns with the classic Pokemon experience of battling eight gyms and then defeating the Elite Four. Our Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gym Leaders guide gives you all the information and strategy tips you need to defeat all 8 of those gym leaders. While these gyms can be completed in any order, they are listed below in our recommended order based on the level of the Pokemon. If you're looking for information on how to reach any of the eight gyms in Scarlet and Violet or how to complete the Gym Tests, check out our Scarlet Violet Walkthrough.
Pokemon Scarlet Violet Gym Leaders
Gym #1 Cortodo Gym - Leader Katy

#1 Nymble

Tera Type:
Lv: 14
Ability: Swarm
Hold Item: N/A
Struggle Bug
Double Kick
#2 Tarountula

Tera Type:
Lv: 14
Ability: Insomnia
Hold Item: N/A
Bug Bite
#3 Teddiursa

Tera Type:
Lv: 15
Ability: Pickup
Hold Item: N/A
Fury Cutter
Fury Swipes
Remember that this is a Bug-type gym, so come prepared with Fire, Flying, or Rock-type Pokemon if you can. Just speak to the man at the counter to challenge Gym Leader Katy. Katy has a Lv. 14 Nymble, a Lv. 14 Tarountula, and a Lv. 15 Teddiursa. Teddiursa may seem like a strange choice for a Bug-type gym, but it will Terrastalize and has a Bug Tera type. This battle shouldn't pose too much of a challenge if you have a few Pokemon in the level range of the gym and have the type advantage.
After winning, you'll receive the Bug Badge and Pokemon up to Lv. 25 will obey you. You'll also get TM021 - Pounce. Nemona will give you a call afterward and suggest that she wants to battle you the next time you meet up.
Gym #2 Artazon Gym - Leader Brassius

#1 Petilil

Tera Type:
Lv: 16
Ability: Own Tempo
Hold Item: N/A
Sleep Powder
Mega Drain
#2 Smoliv

Tera Type:
Lv: 16
Ability: Early Bird
Hold Item: N/A
Razor Leaf
#3 Sudowoodo

Tera Type:
Lv: 17
Ability: Sturdy
Hold Item: N/A
Rock Throw
Gym Leader Brassius specializes in Grass-type Pokemon. As such, you'll want to make sure you have a strong Fire, Poison, Flying, or Bug-type at your side. Something around level 20 should do the trick. Those who chose Fuecoco as a starter should be able to cruise through this battle. Brassius will use a Lv. 16 Petilil, a Lv. 16 Smoliv, and a Lv. 17 Sudowoodo. Sudowoodo is not normally a Grass-type, but he will Terastallize and it has a Grass Tera Type. Doesn't that ruin Sudowoodo's disguise? Anyway, just treat it like you would any other Grass-type and remember that you can Terastallize yourself as well.
After you win the battle, you will receive the Grass Badge. Pokemon up to Lv. 30 will now obey you. You'll also receive a copy of TM020 - Trailblaze. Once you go to exit the gym, you'll be stopped by a man named Hassel. He turns out to be a member of the Elite Four. He gives you some motivating and slightly threatening advice and then leaves. With two badges in hand, we'll look to take on another Titan Pokemon next.
Gym #3 Levincia Gym - Leader Iono

#1 Wattrel

Tera Type:
Lv: 23
Ability: Wind Power
Hold Item: N/A
Quick Attack
#2 Bellibolt

Tera Type:
Lv: 23
Ability: Electromorphosis
Hold Item: N/A
Water Gun
#3 Luxio

Tera Type:
Lv: 23
Ability: Intimidate
Hold Item: N/A
#4 Mismagius

Tera Type:
Lv: 24
Ability: Levitate
Hold Item: N/A
Charge Beam
Confuse Ray
Make sure to heal up, then speak with the clerk at the front desk of the gym. Remember that this is an Electric-type gym, so you should bring a solid Ground-type along with you. However, something that knows a Rock-type move will suit you well for some of the Pokemon. He'll then take you out to the court for your battle. This battle is also presented like a livestream. Iono has a Lv. 23 Wattrel, a Lv. 23 Bellibolt, a Lv. 23 Luxio, and a Lv. 24 Mismagius. The main thing to be aware of is that Wattrel is part Flying-type and Mismagius has the ability Levitate, meaning you won't be able to use Ground-type moves against them. Rock-type moves are recommended instead. She will Terastallize her Mismagius and it has an Electric Tera Type, so it's recommended that you do the same to counter it.
After winning the battle, you'll get the Electric Gym Badge. Pokemon up to Lv. 35 will now obey you. She'll also give you TM048 - Volt Switch. After the battle, you'll be stopped in the lobby by Geeta, who is chairwoman of the Pokemon League. She just introduces herself and doesn't say much else.
Gym #4 Cascarrafa Gym - Leader Kofu

#1 Veluza

Tera Type:
Lv: 29
Ability: Mold Breaker
Hold Item: N/A
Aqua Cutter
#2 Wugtrio

Tera Type:
Lv: 29
Ability: Gooey
Hold Item: N/A
Water Pulse
#3 Crabominable

Tera Type:
Lv: 30
Ability: Iron Fist
Hold Item: N/A
Rock Smash
Your battle will begin with Gym Leader Kofu, who will of course specialize in Water-type Pokemon. That means you should bring along some Grass or Electric-types for the type advantage. He has a Lv. 29 Veluza, a Lv. 29 Wugtrio, and a Lv. 30 Crabominable. Be wary of Veluza who knows Peck, which could be deadly against Grass-types. The Crabominable will Terastallize with a Water Tera Type. You should also Terastallize to counter it.
After winning the battle, you'll receive the Water Gym Badge as a reward. This means that Pokemon up to Lv. 40 will obey you. He'll also give you TM022 - Chilling Water. Afterward, Nemona will pay you a visit but won't challenge you to a battle just yet.
Gym #5 Medali Gym - Leader Larry

#1 Komala

Tera Type:
Lv: 35
Ability: Comatose
Hold Item: N/A
Sucker Punch
#2 Dudunsparce

Tera Type:
Lv: 35
Ability: Serene Grace
Hold Item: N/A
Hyper Drill
Drill Run
#3 Staraptor

Tera Type:
Lv: 36
Ability: Intimidate
Hold Item: N/A
Aerial Ace
As it turns out, the Gym Leader Larry was in the restaurant the whole time, disguised as an office worker. I guess this is probably a joke about this being a Normal-type gym. Keeping that in mind, Fighting-type moves are your only chance for super effective attacks on Normal types. Although a Ghost-type Pokemon with moves of other types could prove very useful since it wouldn't be affected by any Normal-type moves.
Larry has a Lv. 35 Komala, a Lv. 35 Dudunsparce, and a Lv. 36 Staraptor. One annoyance is that his Komala will try to put you to sleep, so you'll want to take care of it quickly. His Staraptor will Terastallize, so it's a good idea for you to do the same to keep up. There's not much else to the battle, so just keep plugging away until you've won.
After winning, you'll be awarded with the Normal Gym Badge. This will ensure that all Pokemon up to Lv. 45 will obey you. He will also hand over TM025 - Facade. He'll even buy you a meal at this fancy restaurant, since you didn't seem to really get the secret menu item you ordered.
Gym #6 Montenevera Gym - Leader Ryme

#1 Banette

Tera Type:
Lv: 41
Ability: Insomnia
Hold Item: N/A
Icy Wind
Sucker Punch
Shadow Sneak
#2 Mimikyu

Tera Type:
Lv: 41
Ability: Disguise
Hold Item: N/A
Light Screen
Shadow Sneak
#3 Houndstone

Tera Type:
Lv: 41
Ability: Sand Rush
Hold Item: N/A
Play Rough
Phantom Force
#4 Toxtricity

Tera Type:
Lv: 42
Ability: Punk Rock
Hold Item: N/A
Hyper Voice
Speak to the gym clerk to kick off your battle with Gym Leader Ryme. She of course uses Ghost-type Pokemon. Like all of the trainers in the gym test, this is actually a double battle! She uses a Lv. 41 Mimikyu, a Lv. 41 Banette, a Lv. 41 Houndstone, and a Lv. 42 Toxtricity. The crowd watching the battle can give stat boosts to both you and Ryme, so keep that in mind. Mimikyu's ability ensures that it will tank the first hit, so plan ahead for that. She will Terastallize her Toxtricity, so make sure you do the same to keep up. This one is a little trickier than most previous gym battles, so make sure you come in well prepared.
After you beat Ryme in the gym battle, you'll get the Ghost Gym Badge. It allows Pokemon up to Lv. 50 to obey you. She'll also award you with TM114 - Shadow Ball. Once it's all over, Elite Four member Hassel will be waiting for you in the gym. He'll pay you some compliments before heading out.
Gym #7 Alfornada Gym - Leader Tulip

#1 Farigiraf

Tera Type:
Lv: 44
Ability: Armor Tail
Hold Item: N/A
Zen Headbutt
#2 Gardevoir

Tera Type:
Lv: 44
Ability: Synchronize
Hold Item: N/A
Dazzling Gleam
Energy Ball
#3 Espathra

Tera Type:
Lv: 44
Ability: Opportunist
Hold Item: N/A
Quick Attack
Shadow Ball
#4 Florges

Tera Type:
Lv: 45
Ability: Flower Veil
Hold Item: N/A
Petal Blizzard
Speak to the clerk at the gym once again to begin your battle with Gym Leader Tulip. She specializes in Psychic-type Pokemon, meaning Bug, Ghost, and Dark-types will work well against her. She uses a Lv. 44 Farigiraf, a Lv. 44 Gardevoir, a Lv. 44 Espartha, and a Lv. 45 Florges. Her Florges will Terastallize and has a Psychic Tera Type. Make sure to do the same to keep up with her. The main tricky things to look out for are Farigiraf's ability that prevents you from using any priority moves and Gardevoir's Fairy typing that makes Dark and Bug type moves normally effective.
After you defeat her in battle, you'll be awarded with the Psychic Gym Badge. This means that Pokemon up to Lv. 55 will obey you. She'll also give you TM120 - Psychic. Afterward Rika and Poppy, another member of the Elite Four, will greet you in the gym. They'll encourage you to keep on going and look forward to meeting you in the Pokemon League.
Gym #8 Glaseado Gym - Leader Grusha

#1 Frosmoth

Tera Type:
Lv: 47
Ability: Shield Dust
Hold Item: N/A
Bug Buzz
#2 Beartic

Tera Type:
Lv: 47
Ability: Snow Cloak
Hold Item: N/A
Aqua Jet
Icicle Crash
#3 Cetitan

Tera Type:
Lv: 47
Ability: Thick Fat
Hold Item: N/A
Ice Spinner
Ice Shard
#4 Altaria

Tera Type:
Lv: 48
Ability: Natural Cure
Hold Item: N/A
Ice Beam
Dragon Pulse
As you might imagine, Gym Leader Grusha specializes in Ice-type Pokemon. This means that Fire, Fighting, and Rock types are well suited for the battle. He uses a Lv. 47 Frosmoth, a Lv. 47 Beartic, a Lv. 47 Cetitan, and a Lv. 48 Altaria. He will Terastallize the Altaria and it will have an Ice Tera Type. As such, it's a good idea to Terastallize yourself. If you happened to pick Fuecoco to start, using Skeledirge's Torch Song will obliterate his entire team. There's nothing particularly tricky about this fight to look out for as long as you are leveled appropriately.
After winning you'll receive the Ice Gym Badge. Now that you have all eight badges, Pokemon of any level will obey you. Grusha will also personally give you TM124 - Ice Spinner.
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