Home > Pokemon Scarlet and Violet > Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Titan Pokemon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Titan Pokemon
In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, there are three major storylines that serve as the objectives of the game. One of them is known as the Path of Legends. In this objective, you'll need to find and defeat five Titan Pokemon. These are larger and stronger versions of Pokemon that are somewhat hidden and spread across the map of Paldea. After you defeat each one, you'll get some Herba Mystica, which is used to power up your companion Pokemon Koraidon/Miraidon. These Titan Pokemon can be defeated in any order, but we've listed them in the recommended order based on difficulty.
Stony Cliff Titan - Klawf


Tera Type:
Lv: 16
Ability: Anger Shell
Hold Item: N/A
Vise Grip
Rock Smash
Rock Tomb
You will see a giant Klawf clinging to the side of the mountain. This is the Titan Pokemon we are looking for. It's a Rock-type so if you don't have a solid Grass or Water-type already, it might be smart to catch and train one of the Makuhita around here. You should have at least one Pokemon in the Lv. 20 range before heading into this. As you approach it, it will scurry up higher on the cliff. You'll want to follow it by using the nearby path. When you approach it again, you will engage in a battle.
Go ahead and battle the Titan Klawf like you would any other Pokemon. It doesn't have a level you can see, but rather an extra large HP bar. However, it does have a hidden level of 16. When you lower its HP enough, it will drop down off the cliff. Follow it down here (you can just jump off after it) and another cutscene will play where Arven shows up. You'll need to battle it once more.
This time around Klawf is a little more powerful, but you'll also have Arven's help. This would also be a great time to Terastallize if you have it available. If you Terastallize and use a Grass, Water, or Fighting-type move, you should be able to do some heavy damage. Be careful because Klawf's ability increases his Attack once he gets low on health.
After you defeat the Titan, you'll venture into a cave with Arven. Inside you'll find the Sweet Herba Mystica. This seemingly is what gives the Titan Pokemon their power. Arven will also give you the Titan Badge that he made. He'll also make you a sandwich, but you should gives some to Koraidon/Miraidon. When you do, they will gain the ability to dash around quickly. A small cutscene will play with Arven and you'll get a call from Professor Sada explaining this new dash ability.
Catching the Titan
After defeating the Titan, you can return to the site of the original battle for a chance to catch the Titan Pokemon. It is sitting on the ground in by the steep slope. You have to interact with it to engage in battle. It's a Lv. 16 Klawf with max height and weight and a special Titan Mark. It also has 30 IVs for all of its stats. Make sure to save before engaging the battle and be very careful not to knock it out, as it will not respawn (unless you reset to a save).
Open Sky Titan - Bombirdier


Tera Type:
Lv: 20
Ability: Rocky Payload
Hold Item: N/A
Rock Throw
Wing Attack
There are large boulders rolling down the hill in this area. Hop on Koraidon/Miraidon and dodge them as you climb up. If you take a detour to the left about half way through you can follow the grassy area to find TM130 - Helping Hand. Continue heading up the mountain and once you get to the switchback you'll be bombarded by Bombirdier, the Open Sky Titan.
Bombirdier is a Flying and Dark-type Pokemon. This means Electric, Fairy, or Rock-types would suit you well. It's level is hidden, but it is secretly level 20. When you've come close to defeating the Titan, it will flee into a nearby cave. Arven will then appear and you can challenge Bombirdier again, this time with Arven's help. Remember that you can terastallize to pack an extra punch.
After you win this second battle, you'll enter the cave with Arven. Inside you'll find the Bitter Herba Mystica. Arven will once again whip up a sandwhich for you, and you'll also get the Titan Badge (Flying). During the next cutscene, you'll be forced to share some of your sandwhich with Koraidon/Miraidon. Luckily, this will give them a power up that lets them swim across water. In the next cutscene, Arven's motivation for seeking out the Herba Mystica is revealed: he's trying to save his partner Pokemon. After the emotional scene is over, you'll get a call from Professor Sada reiterating your new ability to move across water.
Catching the Titan
After defeating the Titan, you can return to the site of the original battle for a chance to catch the Titan Pokemon. It is sitting on the slope that the boulders were rolling down. It's a Lv. 20 Bombirdier with max height and weight and a special Titan Mark. It also has 30 IVs for all of its stats. Make sure to save before engaging the battle and be very careful not to knock it out, as it will not respawn (unless you reset to a save).
Lurking Steel Titan - Orthworm


Tera Type:
Lv: 29
Ability: Earth Eater
Hold Item: N/A
Iron Tail
Continue ahead and then take a right down into the mining area when you approach the marked destination. You'll see the giant worm Pokemon, Orthworm, in the mine here. He will burrow underground when you approach, so you'll just have to chase him around a little bit. He is a Lv. 29 Steel-type. This means Fire, Fighting, and Ground-type moves will do the most damage. After you do enough damage in the first battle, Orthworm will scurry off into the cave ahead.
Follow the Titan into his narrow cave and chase him down in this new area. Once you do, Arven will show up and join you for the second battle with Orthworm. It's essentially the same as before, but you'll have a little help. Remember that you can also Terastallize to make the fight a little easier.
Once the fight is over, you'll follow Arven into the cave that Orthworm opened up. Inside you'll find some Salty Herba Mystica. He'll also give you the Steel Titan Badge. Arven will once again make a sandwich with the Herba Mystica you found. When you give some to Koraidon/Miraidon, it will gain the ability to jump higher. Maboosstiff will also get some and regain some of his strength. You'll get a call from Professor Sada afterward who explains your partner's newfound jumping ability.
Catching the Titan
After defeating the Titan, you can return to the site of the original battle for a chance to catch the Titan Pokemon. It is laying on the ground in front of the cave. It's a Lv. 29 Orthworm with max height and weight and a special Titan Mark. It also has 30 IVs for all of its stats. Make sure to save before engaging the battle and be very careful not to knock it out, as it will not respawn (unless you reset to a save).
Quaking Earth Titan - Great Tusk / Iron Treads

Great Tusk

Tera Type:
Lv: 45
Ability: Protosynthesis
Hold Item: N/A
Rapid Spin
Brick Break
Knock Off
Stomping Tantrum
Iron Treads

Tera Type:
Lv: 45
Ability: Quark Drive
Hold Item: N/A
Rapid Spin
Iron Head
Knock Off
Stomping Tantrum
Make sure you are healed up and then head southeast into the desert. Once you're here it won't take you long to see the titan from a distance when you face in its direction. Once you approach it, you'll immediately engage and get a call from Professor Sada explaining the situation. This titan Pokemon is actually different depending on the version of the game you are playing. While both resemble alternate forms of Donphan, neither technically are. In Scarlet you'll be facing off against the Ground/Fighting-type Great Tusk, and in Violet it will be the Ground/Steel-type Iron Treads.
Whichever one you happen to be facing, you'll of course need to defeat it in battle. It will be level 45 at the time of this encounter. Water, Grass, and Flying types are good options for Great Tusk while Fire, Water, and Fighting types are good against Iron Treads. Once you knock off most of its health, it will flee the battle.
The Quaking Earth Titan doesn't flee very far however, you should still see it up ahead near a cliff. Approach it again and this time Arven will pay a visit to join you in a double battle against it. The battle is mostly the same as before but you'll have a little extra help. There will be a sandstorm during the battle, so you'll take a little damage each turn. You should also Terastallize during this battle to give yourself a little edge.
After the battle, you'll join Arven inside the Titan lair. Inside you'll find some Sour Herba Mystica. He'll once again use this to make a sandwich and also give you the Ground Titan Badge. The two of you will then share your sandwiches with Koraidon/Miraidon and Mabosstiff respectively. Koraidon/Miraidon will then gain the ability to glide! Afterward, you'll get a call from Professor Sada explaining this new glide ability.
Catching the Titan
After defeating the Titan, you can return to the site of the original battle for a chance to catch the Quaking Earth Titan. It's standing in the desert and has a distinct look compared to all the nearby Donphan. It's a Lv. 45 Great Tusk/Iron Treads with max height and weight and a special Titan Mark. It also has 30 IVs for all of its stats. Make sure to save before engaging the battle and be very careful not to knock it out, as it will not respawn (unless you reset to a save).
False Dragon Titan - Dondozo & Tatsugiri


Tera Type: N/A
Lv: 56
Ability: Oblivious
Hold Item: N/A
Aqua Tail
Body Slam
Water Pulse
ORder Up

Tera Type:
Lv: 57
Ability: Commander
Hold Item: N/A
Muddy Water
Icy Wind
Dragon Pulse
If you get close enough to Casseroya Lake from the east, you'll get a call from Arven letting you know about the False Dragon Titan that is nearby. Go ahead and glide from up here all the way over to the closest island in the lake. If you don't make it all the way you can just swim there. When you get to the island you'll notice there are a bunch of fish Pokemon on the groudn with dialogue boxes. There is also a trainer here you can take out if you want. Go to the even smaller connected island and you'll notice that there is a larger fish that says "Taitaaan!" in his dialogue box. As you might expect, this is the Titan Pokemon. So interact with it when you are ready.
When you interact with this little fish, a much larger fish will pop out of the water. This is Dondozo, the False Dragon Titan. He is a Lv. 56 pure Water-type, so Grass and Electric moves are your best bet. Once you get Dondozo to very low health, he will sink back into the lake and run away. You'll now want to check your map again, since the location where he ran to is marked for you. It's in the rocky area on an island to the west.
Once you get to this western island, you'll see the little fish waiting again. Once you approach it, Dondozo will appear again for another battle. This time you'll have Arven with you to help you out. Nothing else changed from the last fight, so just go ahead and take it out. As you might expect, Dondozo is in fact a false Titan. Once you defeat it, you'll need to also battle the real Titan.
The true Titan is the original fish we found, the little Tatsugiri. Interestingly, it's still called the False Dragon Titan in this form. It may be much smaller, but it packs a meaner punch. Tatsugiri is Lv. 57 and is Water and Dragon type. This means that it is only weak to Fairy and other Dragon moves. Luckily, you'll have your team healed before this battle. There's not much else too it, you just need to defeat it in this double battle. Remember that if you haven't used it already, you should Terastallize against Tatsugiri.
After you win the fight you'll enter the final cave with Arven. Inside you guys will find some Spicy Herba Mystica. You'll also get the Dragon Titan Badge. Arven will make a sandwich with the Herba Mystica, which Koraidon/Miraidon will partake in. This final power-up will grant them the ability to climb up vertical surfaces. Arven will then share some of the herb with Mabosstiff who will feel well enough to play ball with Arven.
After this touching cutscene, you'll receive a call from Professor Sada. She lets you know about your partners new ability. She also tells Arven that he needs to take you back to the lighthouse at Poco Path so that you can access the professor's lab. As it turns out, Professor Sada is actually Arven's mother. It seems that this is there first time reconnecting for some time.
Catching the Titan
After defeating the Titan, you can return to the site of the original battle for a chance to catch the False Dragon Titan. It's on the little island on the east side of the lake, tucked away in the corner. It's a Lv. 57 Tatsugiri with max height and weight and a special Titan Mark. It also has 30 IVs for all of its stats. Make sure to save before engaging the battle and be very careful not to knock it out, as it will not respawn (unless you reset to a save).
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