Home > Pokemon Sun and Moon > Pokemon Sun and Moon Legendary Pokemon - Sun Moon Legendaries
Pokemon Sun and Moon Legendary Pokemon - Sun Moon Legendaries
This Pokemon Sun and Moon Legendary Pokemon guide serves as a list of Legendaries in Sun and Moon. Pokemon Sun and Moon Versions introduce the seventh generation of Pokemon in the Alola Region. This guide will cover how to catch all of the Legendary Pokemon.
Tips for catching legendaries in Sun & Moon
- Make sure to save before battling each legendary so that you'll be able to reset if you accidently KO the legendary or run out of balls to catch it.
- Lower each legenday's health until it is red and apply any status conditions like sleep, paralysis, poison, or burn to ensure the highest chance of catching.
- We recommend throwing one Quick Ball at the beginning of each encounter and testing your luck. After that throw Dusk Balls (at night or in caves) or Ultra Balls until the legendary is caught. Catch rates are high in Pokemon Sun & Moon, so we recommend saving your Master Ball for shinies that can flee or self destruct.
- If you don't catch a legendary your first attempt (accidently KO), you will have another opportunity after re-defeating the elite four, so don't panic. Remember to save before encounters when you can so you don't have to worry about this.
How to Catch Solgaleo and Lunala in Sun & Moon
How to Catch Solgaleo in Sun & Moon

How to Catch Solgaleo in Sun version:
Solgaleo is only available to catch in Pokemon Sun version and will need to be traded to be obtainable in Pokemon Moon version. After returning from Ultra Space, Lillie's cosmog that transformed into Solgaleo will want to join your party. To catch Solgaleo simply weaken it until its health bar is red and throw Ultra Balls until it is caught.
How to Catch Lunala in Sun & Moon

How to Catch Lunala in Moon version:
Lunala is only available to catch in Pokemon Moon version and will need to be traded to be obtainable in Pokemon Sun version. After returning from Ultra Space, Lillie's cosmog that transformed into Lunala will want to join your party. To catch Lunala simply weaken it until its health bar is red and throw Dusk Balls (these are more effective than Ultra Balls since Lunala can only be caught at night) until it is caught. If you accidently KO it, you can simply retry as you must catch the title legendary to progress in the game.
How to Catch the Island Guardians in Sun & Moon
How to Catch Tapu Koko in Sun & Moon

How to Catch Tapu Koko in Sun and Moon version:
Tapu Koko is one of the four Island Guardians of Alola and is the Guardian of Melemele Island. After beating the game and defeating the Pokemon League, head to the Ruins of Conflict on Melemele Island (this will happen in a cutscene) and battle against Tapu Koko. It is an Electric/Fairy type Pokemon and is found at level 60. To capture it, lower its health to red, apply any status conditions you can, and throw Ultra Balls (Dusk Balls at night) until it is caught. If you accidently KO it, you can defeat the Elite Four again for another shot.
How to Catch Tapu Lele in Sun & Moon

How to Catch Tapu Lele in Sun and Moon version:
Tapu Lele is one of the four Island Guardians of Alola and is the Guardian of Akala Island. After beating the game and defeating the Pokemon League, head to the Ruins of Life on Akala Island and battle against Tapu Lele. It is a Psychic/Fairy type Pokemon and is found at level 60. To capture it, lower its health to red, apply any status conditions you can, and throw Ultra Balls (Dusk Balls at night) until it is caught. If you accidently KO it, you can defeat the Elite Four again for another shot.
How to Catch Tapu Bulu in Sun & Moon

How to Catch Tapu Bulu in Sun and Moon version:
Tapu Bulu is one of the four Island Guardians of Alola and is the Guardian of Ula'ula Island. After beating the game and defeating the Pokemon League, head to the Ruins of Abundance on Ula'ula Island and battle against Tapu Bulu. It is a Grass/Fairy type Pokemon and is found at level 60. To capture it, lower its health to red, apply any status conditions you can, and throw Ultra Balls (Dusk Balls at night) until it is caught. If you accidently KO it, you can defeat the Elite Four again for another shot.
How to Catch Tapu Fini in Sun & Moon

How to Catch Tapu Fini in Sun and Moon version:
Tapu Lele is one of the four Island Guardians of Alola and is the Guardian of Poni Island. After beating the game and defeating the Pokemon League, head to the Ruins of Hope on Poni Island and battle against Tapu Fini. It is a Water/Fairy type Pokemon and is found at level 60. To capture it, lower its health to red, apply any status conditions you can, and throw Ultra Balls (Dusk Balls at night) until it is caught. If you accidently KO it, you can defeat the Elite Four again for another shot.
How to Catch Legendary Pokemon in Sun & Moon
How to Catch Cosmog in Sun & Moon

How to get Cosmog in Sun and Moon version:
Cosmog is the first stage in the Solgaleo or Lunala evolution change. Lillie will carry around the Cosmog that transforms into your games title legendary for much of the game. After beating the game and defeating the Pokemon League, head back to the Altar of the Sunne or the Altar of the Moone when it is either Day (Moon version) or Night (Sun version). You'll be able to enter into an alternate world. Now just navigate through Ula'ula Meadow to the Lake of the Sunne (Sun version) or Lake of the Moone (Moon version). You'll find a Cosmog here who will join your team.
How to Catch Necrozma in Sun & Moon

How to Catch Necrozma in Sun and Moon version:
Necrozma is a Legendary Pokemon that resembles the Ultra Beasts. After beating the game and going through the Ultra Beast Missions, head to Ten Carat Hill. If you traverse through the entire hill, you'll come to a hollow where you will be able to find Necrozma. You have to travel through the grass in the hollow until Necrozma appears. It will be a Lv. 75 Psychic type. Try throwing a Quick Ball when you encounter it. Otherwise, lower its health to red, apply any status conditions, and throw Ultra Balls (Dusk Balls if it's night) until it is caught.
How to Catch Zygarde in Sun & Moon

How to get Zygarde in Sun and Moon version:
Zygarde is a Legendary Pokemon originally introduced in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire versions. All throughout Alola you'll be able to collect Zygarde Cells. If you go to Sina and Dexio's van on Route 16 you'll be able to combine these cells into forms of Zygarde. You can collect 10 cells for 10% Forme, 50 cells for 50% Forme, and all 100 cells for Zygarde Complete Forme with the ability Power Construct. This ability is unique to Zygarde obtained in this fashion and will allow it to switch between forms in battle.
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